| Student management > Viewing student information > Inactive students

Working with inactive students

In general, the students you view in PowerSchool SMS are active, that is, a student is who is currently enrolled in the school with which you are working. PowerSchool SMS classifies a student as inactive if that student:

= Is incoming: This student is coming to the school or scheduled to join a class or homeroom at a future date. The student's enrollment status code is an entry or re-entry type [>>].
= Has withdrawn: This student has withdrawn from the school in which he or she was enrolled or from a class or homeroom. The student's enrollment status code is a withdrawal-type with no subsequent entry or re-entry type [>>].
= Has graduated [>>]

As a School Administrator, you may need to view both active and inactive students; for example, to schedule students into classes for the coming school year. While by default PowerSchool SMS displays only active students, when you are signed in as a School Administrator, you can set the system to display inactive students as well, both Incoming and Withdrawn types. You need only do this once since these settings persist even after you sign in and out.PowerSchool SMS displays an inactive student's record name ingrayitalics [Figure 53].

Figure 53: Inactive student display

A Active student
B Inactive student
To view inactive and active students [SA]:

Edit records for students from past years

The Past Years' Student search enables a secondary School Administrator at the most recent school in which a student was enrolled (and not the active enrollment) to view a student who withdrew or graduated from the school in a past year(s) (a District Administrator sets the specific number of years in the past on the General Preferences page).

As a School Administrator, you can make changes to the inactive student's demographic information [>>], print the student's transcript, and work with associated cTools [>>] pages. With additional permissions [Table 7], you can also edit historical and enrollment information [>>], and work with the student's Academic Plan.

To find and edit inactive students from past years: [SA]

Table 7 Permissions pertaining to inactive students


You need this permission

Set to


Search for and edit past year student demographic records.

Students > Access Inactive Students from Past Years



Print past year transcripts.

Students > Access Inactive Students from Past Years



Edit past year student historical information.

Students > Access Inactive Students from Past Years and Transcript/Permanent Record > Student Historical Data

Yes and Edit

[>>] [>>]

Edit past year student enrollments

Students > Access Inactive Students from Past Years andStudents > Manage Student Enrollments

Yes and Edit

[>>] [>>]

Edit past year student academic plans

Students > Access Inactive Students from Past YearsandAcademic Planning > Student Academic Plan

Yes and Edit

[>>] [>>]

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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