| Student management > Permanent Records for secondary students > Secondary student permanent records > Working with secondary student permanent record data by term

Working with secondary student permanent record data by term

[Applies to secondary schools only.]

If your district does not calculate cumulative GPAs and class ranks by term, skip this topic and see Working with secondary student permanent record data by year [>>].

If your district has defined reporting terms in the GPA/Class Rank Reporting Terms setup list, you can work with students' term GPAs, credits, class ranks, and attendance for each term in a historical year. For information about creating GPA/Class rank reporting terms, see Setting up GPA/Class Rank Reporting Terms [>>].

On the PR By Year & Term page, you can:

= View the cumulative-to-end-of-term GPA for a student for each term in each historical year.
= Enter a student's class rank for each term in each historical year.
= View potential and earned credits term, and enter attendance by term, for each historical year.
= Calculate a single student or multiple students' cumulative-to-end-of-term GPAs and credits. An alert icon appears when a student's calculations are out of date. See Running Permanent Record calculations [>>].
= Print a student's transcript. See Running a student transcript report [>>].

Viewing a student's cumulative GPAs by term

When you run calculations, cumulative-to-end-of-term GPAs are calculated using all formulas, regardless of which formula the cumulative GPA was based on.

The formulas are:

= Total Grade Points x Total Potential Credits Cum GPA
= Total Potential Credits Cum GPA
= Total Points Cum GPA
= Total Number Of Grades Cum GPA
= Total Grade Points x Total Potential Credits Year GPA
= Total Potential Credits Year GPA
= Total Points Year GPA
= Total Number Of Grades Year GPA

Note: A year GPA includes grades only for a single year but is based on a cumulative GPA formula.

You can set up grid views that enable you to view one or more of the formulas and resulting GPA. For information about custom grid views, see Working with grid views [>>].

To view a student's cumulative GPAs by term:[DA][SA]

Entering a student's historical class rank information by term

Use grid views to choose which historical term class rank information you want to work with, and to sort this information. For information about grid views, see Working with grid views [>>].

To enter historical class rank information by term:[DA][SA]

Working with a student's historical credits and attendance by term

The Credits and Attendance tab displays potential and earned credits, along with attendance information, for each term in a historical year. You can enter historical attendance by term, but historical credits by term information is view-only.

You can use grid views to choose and sort the credits and attendance data you want to view. For information about grid views, see Working with grid views [>>].

The potential and earned credits that show on the Credits & Attendance tab are the credits calculated from the historical courses the student took during the term in the historical year.

To view a student's historical credits by term:[DA][SA]

Entering a student's historical attendance by term

If there is attendance information for the student during a historical year at a school, the attendance totals for that year are shown in the attendance columns. If attendance totals do not exist for the year, the fields in the attendance columns are editable so that you can manually enter the information.

Note: You can view or enter State and Local credits information on the Historical Year page.

To enter historical attendance by term:[DA][SA]

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