| School setup > Permanent Record setup > Working with grid views

Working with grid views

Create different views of the data displayed in grids on PowerSchool SMS pages. Customizable grid views enable the district to define global views of data, and then each district-level or school-level user can create personalized versions of these views.

A Global Grid View [>>]is typically created at the district. A district can create grid views of data most appropriate for their schools. For example, a district may want schools to see cumulative GPA data based on the formula used at the district. The district can select the appropriate columns of data in the Global Grid View and, when the district user publishes this global view, it becomes available at the district and to all schools in the district.

A Personal Grid View can be created by any district or school user. A user at a school may want to create separate grid views for different types of data, such as attendance or class rank data. A Personal Grid View is only visible to the user who created it.

Figure 241: Example: PR Summary Data grid views

You can add global and personal grid views to the following PR pages:

Page Name

Panel or Tab Name

Grid Name

District Setup>Out of District Schools

Search Results

Out of District Schools

Student Demographics>Historical Info>Course List> Course

District Grades


Other Grades

Other Grades

Student Demographics>PR Summary Data



Student Demographics>PR By Year



Class Ranks

Class Ranks

Credits & Attendance

Credits & Attendance

Student Demographics>PR By Year & Term



Class Ranks

Class Ranks

Credits & Attendance

Credits & Attendance

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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