| Student management > Permanent Records for secondary students > Running calculations and transcripts > Running a student transcript report

Running a student transcript report

[Applies to secondary schools only.]

You can run a transcript report for a student from their Historical Year page, PR Summary Data page, and PR By Year page (and, if reporting terms are set up, from the PR By Year & Term page).

Information and how it is displayed on a transcript report is determined by settings on the following pages:

= Transcript Columns - see Name the transcript columns [>>].
= Permanent Record Setup - see Performing permanent record school setup [>>].
= Cumulative GPA - see Working with cumulative GPAs [>>].

Note: If your district uses a custom transcript, replace the PowerSchool SMS built-in transcript report with the custom transcript.

To run a student transcript report:[DA][SA]

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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