| School setup > Permanent Record setup > Permanent record school setup

Performing permanent record school setup

[Applies to elementary and secondary schools]

Perform Permanent Record (PR) setup for both secondary and elementary schools.

Note: Although elementary student PR data is not currently viewable in the PowerSchool SMS interface, it is recommended that you select permanent record options for elementary student data so that the structure is set up when the elementary permanent record information is visible in a future version of PowerSchool SMS.

For secondary schools, define how data is to be displayed on student permanent record pages, including whether or not to view active year class rank and credits data on student PR pages. Select the grading scale type and configure the display precision for attendance and credit calculation results. See : Secondary permanent record preferences [>>].

For elementary schools, indicate which report card data to store in elementary records in permanent record tables after year-end processing. See : Elementary permanent record preferences [>>].

Selecting permanent record options for secondary schools

[Applies to secondary schools only.]

Selecting permanent record options for secondary schools involves specifying whether or not active year data will be included in calculation results, and how cumulative GPA, attendance, and credits will be displayed on secondary students' PR pages. For information about the student PR pages, see Secondary student permanent records [>>].

Selecting permanent record options for secondary schools:[DA]

Figure 239: Secondary permanent record preferences

Selecting permanent record options for elementary schools

[Applies to elementary schools only]

When year-end processing is run, PowerSchool SMS creates a record in the permanent record tables for each student in an elementary school. If a student is enrolled in two different schools within the district, two separate records are created in the database for the same year.

Permanent record setup for elementary schools involves selecting the data that should be stored in each elementary student's permanent record after year-end processing [Figure 240].

To select permanent record options for elementary schools:[DA]

Figure 240: Elementary permanent record preferences

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