| School setup > Permanent Record setup > Working with cumulative GPAs

Working with cumulative GPAs

[Applies to secondary schools only.]

Cumulative GPAs can be easily configured to meet the specific requirements of your school. You set up cumulative GPA definitions at the district level. To understand the available options, refer to the appropriate section:


= For an explanation of what happens to cumulative GPAs and credits when you convert your existing database to use the Permanent Record functionality, see Converting to Permanent Record.
= Current year GPA definitions (i.e., report card GPA definitions for the active year) are created at the school level. See Working with current year GPAs [>>]
= A year GPA is the grade point average for a single year, using a cumulative GPA formula.
Options for Cumulative GPAs
Cumulative GPA Calculation Rules
Credit calculation rules
Using More than One Scale for Cumulative GPAs
Selecting a Calculation Formula

Setting up cumulative GPAs

When you edit cumulative GPAs, keep in mind that class ranks use cumulative GPAs as part of their definitions; you will need to recalculate class ranks because student ranks may be affected by your changes.

Note: If your district calculates term GPAs, PowerSchool SMS uses the formula you set up for the cumulative GPA when calculating both the end-of-term GPA and the cumulative-to-end-of-term GPA. For more information about term GPAs, see Grading periods and GPA/class rank reporting terms [>>] and Calculating term GPAs [>>].

To add or edit a cumulative GPA:[SA]

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