| Student management > Permanent Records for secondary students > Secondary student historical information > Entering historical year records

Entering historical year records

[Applies to secondary schools only.]

Creating a historical year record for a secondary student enables you to:

= Enter the student's grade level while at the historical school.
= View information about the school the student attended during the historical year.
= View the student's GPA and credit information for the historical year.
= Enter the student's class rank information for the historical year.
= View the student's daily attendance for the historical year.

Note: You can also print a student's transcript from this page. For further information, see Running a student transcript report [>>].

To add or edit a historical year:[DA][SA]

Figure 94GPA and credits information

A Total credits - The total number of credits:

Potential- The student could have earned for all courses the student attempted in this historical year.

Earned - The student actually earned in this historical year.

State - The student earned for state courses in this historical year.

Local - The student earned for local courses in this historical year.


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