| Student management > Permanent Records for secondary students > Secondary student historical information

Secondary student historical information

[Applies to secondary schools only.]

PowerSchool SMS uses secondary student historical data when calculating cumulative GPAs or, if your district calculates GPAs by term, when calculating cumulative-to-end-of-term GPAs. Before you run cumulative GPA calculations, it's important to ensure that, where applicable, historical data exists for secondary students.

You can enter three types of historical information:

= Year records - Information about a specific historical year. This includes the name of the school a student attended that year, along with credits, GPA and class rank for the year..
= Course details - Information about the courses a student took in a specific historical year, such as the course name and number and the grade the student received.
= Graduation information, such as enrollment and graduation dates and status.

Historical information for secondary students can be entered using the following methods:

= Populated during Year End Processing. After a school has used PowerSchool SMS for the first school year, current year information becomes historical information through an automated process during Year End Processing. For details, see Next-year preparation [>>] and Year-End Processing [>>].
= Manually entered on the student's Historical Info, Historical Year, and Course (historical) pages. This method is typically used when only one or two students require historical data entry. This section covers this manual entry method. Refer to the appropriate topic for details:
= Entering historical year records [>>]
= Entering historical year records [>>]
= Entering graduation information [>>]

Permissions to Work with Historical Info

To work with historical transcript records, you need the following permissions:


You need this permission

Set to


Add or edit historical info

Transcript/Permanent Record>Student Historical Info Data



Add, edit, or delete historical info

Transcript/Permanent Record>Student Historical Info Data



View historical info

Transcript/Permanent Record>Student Historical Info Data



Control access to adding, editing, and deleting information for the new teacher assignment grid on the Add/Edit Historical Course page

Transcript/Permanent Record>Edit Historical Course Teacher Assignment Grid



Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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