| School setup > Grading setup > Grading periods > Setting up grading periods

Setting up grading periods

[Applies to elementary and secondary schools]

Grading periods define the span of time that report cards and progress reports cover. For information about setting up grading periods, see:

Grading periods are defined in sets. Typically, you create multiple grading periods sets so that you can provide report cards at different times for different grades.

Note: Once you cover all the grades in your school, you cannot create more grading period sets unless you delete an existing one first.

When you define grading period sets, you can also specify a grace period for entering student grades. The grace period is the number of days past the last date of all grading periods that staff can continue to enter or submit grades. The grace period is not connected to past grades.

To define grading periods: [SA]
To add a grading period (secondary schools):[SA]

Figure 204: Grading period setup

To add a grading period (elementary schools):[SA]

Figure 205: Define Grace Period

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