[Applies to secondary schools only.]
Current year GPAs are highly flexible. The following options are available when determining what goes into a current year GPA calculation:
= | Depending on the calculation formula you use, you can apply weights or adjustment factors. You can also use course leveling to apply adjustments. |
= | You can calculate GPAs based on grade points or numeric values. |
= | Current year GPAs are not limited to course grades. While most GPAs do contain course grades, GPAs can include other grade items, such as semester grades or exam grades. To make the grade items available for use in GPAs, the "Used in Current Year Calculations" option must be set to Yes on the Grade Items page. The only items you cannot include in a GPA are grade items that use a comment-type grading table. |
= | The items in a GPA do not have to share the same grading table. Each grade item can have a different grading table. For example, a GPA can include a Course Grade grade item that uses a letter grade grading table and an exam grade item that uses a numeric grading table in percentages. PowerSchool SMS converts all the grades to a common 100-point scale or it uses grade points to average the grades. |
= | You control the courses by including only courses you specifically select, excluding courses you specifically select, or including all courses. A GPA can only include courses for which grades are collected, which is determined by the district in the Course Catalog. |
= | You can include the best courses in the GPA definition, such as the best five courses, rather than all of the courses selected in the GPA definition. |
Note: If a student is enrolled in multiple schools, the current year calculations are based on the grading tables for the school where the student is taking the course.
When creating your current year GPAs, you must select a calculation formula. How this calculation formula works depends on the calculation method you use: grade points or numeric values scaled to 100. This section contains an example setup that is used in each of the formula types listed:
= | Simple Grade Average |
= | Adjusted Simple Grade Average |
= | Weighted Grade Average |
= | Weighted Adjusted Grade Average |
Formula Setup Example
For each formula described in this topic, assume the GPA includes only course grades that use a letter grade grading table [Figure 215]. A student took two courses, and received a B and a C, and the grading table was set up as follows:
Figure 215: Current Year GPA example
Refer to the description for each formula for details:
The process for calculating a simple grade average differs depending on whether you are using grade points or using numeric values scaled to 100.
When calculating a simple grade average using grade points, PowerSchool SMS first determines the grade points of each grade by checking the appropriate grading table. It then averages the grades by adding the grades for each grade item in the calculation and dividing by the total number of grade items in the calculation.
The formula for a simple grade average that uses grade points is:
When calculating a simple grade average by scaling numeric values to a scale of 100, PowerSchool SMS first determines the numeric value of each grade. For grade items using numeric grading tables, the numeric value is simply the grade that is entered. For grade items using letter grade or graphic symbol grading tables, the Grade Points column in the grading table is used.
PowerSchool SMS then converts all grades to a 100-point scale. Since GPAs can include grade items that use different grading tables, the grades could have different scales. For example, course grades might use a grading scale of 4.0, while exam grades use a percentage, with a grading scale of 100. Therefore, all grades must be converted to the same scale before being used in the calculation.
To convert a grade to a 100-point scale, PowerSchool SMS divides the grade by the current scale specified in the original grading table, and multiplies it by the common scale of 100.
PowerSchool SMS averages the grades by adding the scaled numeric values for each grade item in the calculation and dividing by the total grade items in the calculation.
The formula for a simple grade average that uses numeric values scaled to 100 is:
PowerSchool SMS converts the resulting GPA to the scale or numeric range of the grading table assigned to the GPA in the GPA definition. For example, if the scale of the grading table is 4.0, divide the GPA by 100 and multiply the result by 4:
Using adjustment factors enables you to adjust a grade value to accommodate different levels of difficulty.
For example, an A in the regular course is equivalent to a B in the more difficult honors course. To reflect the difference, you can assign an adjustment factor to the honors course that multiplies the value of the grade by 1.25.
The district sets the adjustment factors for every course in the Course Catalog. When schools define GPAs, they can decide whether to take adjustment factors into account. To use adjustment factors, choose a Calculation Formula that includes the word "adjusted".
Note: If your school does not apply adjustment factors in a linear way to courses (i.e., you do not always multiply by or add the same factor to all grades), you cannot use adjustment factors in your GPAs. Instead, set up your grading tables to accommodate the different course levels (advanced, remedial, etc.). For further information, see Setting up GPA calculations (including course leveling) [>>].
To adjust a grade average, include the adjustment factor of the course before scaling the grade. The adjustment factor can be a multiplier or an addition, and is defined at the district level in the course catalog.
Using the same example, assume that the B course does not have an adjustment factor, so no adjustment factor is included. The C course is an honors course and therefore has an adjustment factor that multiplies the grade by 1.25.
The exact formula depends on whether you are using grade points or numeric values scaled to 100.
The formula for an adjusted grade average that uses grade points is:
The formula for an adjusted grade average that uses numeric values scaled to 100 is:
Credit weights change the impact of a course on the GPA using course credits. For example, a Math course might be worth 3 credits, while an after‑school band program is worth only 1.5 credits. If you don't use course credit weights, the band grade affects the GPA as much as the Math grade. If you use course credits weights, the band grade has only half the impact of the Math grade.
The district sets the maximum course credits for every course in the Course Catalog. When schools define GPAs, they can decide whether to take course credits into account.
Alternatively, you can use user-defined grade-item weights, which change the impact of one grade item over another based on rules you define. For example, assume a GPA includes a course grade and an exam grade, and you want the course grade to have twice as much impact on the GPA as the exam grade. You would set the weight of the course grade to 2 and the exam to 1.
Using the setup example, assume that the B course is worth 6 credits while the C course is worth only 3.
The formula for a weighted grade average that uses grade points is:
The formula for a weighted grade average that uses numeric values scaled to 100 is:
For user-defined grade item weights, the formula is the same but the values of the weights comes from a different source. Also, user-defined grade item weights only apply when you are using different grade items.
Note: A single formula can include both course weights and user-defined weights.
A weighted adjusted grade average applies both adjustments and course and/or user-defined weights to each grade.
In this example, the B course is worth 6 credits while the C course is worth only 3. The B course does not have an adjustment factor, so its adjustment factor is set to 1. The C course is an honors course and has an adjustment factor that multiplies the grade by 1.25.
The formula for a weighted adjusted grade average that uses grade points is:
The formula for a weighted adjusted grade average that uses numeric values scaled to 100 is:
Note: If your school does not apply adjustment factors in a linear way to courses (i.e., you cannot always multiply by or add the same factor to all grades), you cannot use adjustment factors in your GPAs. Instead, set up your grading tables to accommodate the different course levels (advanced, remedial, etc.). For further information, see Setting up GPA calculations (including course leveling) [>>].
Once the calculation is complete, PowerSchool SMS uses the GPA display settings to determine how to display the calculation results. If "Display As" is set to:
= | Numeric Value, the system rounds the GPA result to the number of decimals specified in the GPA definition. |
= | Equivalent Grade, and/or the "Calculation method" is set to Use numeric values scaled to 100, the system uses the Grading Table selected in the GPA definition to convert the GPA to the appropriate equivalent grade. |
For example, assume that the Calculation Display Result panel of a GPA definition is set up like [Figure 216]:
In this example, the GPA definition specifies that the GPA should display as the Numeric Value, with a precision of 1. As a result, a final GPA of 3.25 remains in grade points, rather than being converted to a letter grade, but is rounded to 3.3.
Conversely, if the GPA specified that the Equivalent Grade should be displayed, the same GPA is converted to a letter grade of B based on the setup of the letter grade grading table.
Figure 216: Calculation display result
Each current year GPA definition can cover year-to-date or a specific report card period.
1 | In the Admin menu, click Grading. |
2 | On the Grading page, under Step 5, click Grade Point Averages. The Grade Point Averages page appears. |
3 | To add a GPA definition for the current year, from the Actions menu click Add > Current Year GPA Definition. The Add Current Year GPA page appears. |
= | To edit a GPA definition, click the current year GPA definition name. The Edit Current Year GPA page appears. |
= | To delete a GPA definition, Select the current year GPA definition to delete. From the Actions menu, click Delete GPA Definition. Click OK and skip the remaining steps. |
4 | Define the GPA as follows: |
= | GPA name - Enter a unique name for the GPA of up to 55 characters. If you will be using more than one GPA on a report card, ensure the name clearly distinguishes the GPA from all other GPAs. For example, if a report card will have different GPAs for different grading periods, include the grading period in the GPA name, such as "GPA Current Rpt Card Period", "GPA Year-to-Date", or "GPA Rpt Card Period". Similarly, if the report card will have different GPAs for different courses, describe the courses in the GPA name, such as "Academic GPA" and "GPA for All Courses". |
= | Description - If you want to describe the GPA in greater detail, enter a description. |
= | Calculation Formula - From the dropdown, choose a formula that uses adjusted, weighted, both, or neither. Use the following table as a guide: |
Calculation Formula |
Adjustment Factor Used? |
Weights Used? |
Simple grade average |
No |
No |
Adjusted simple grade average |
Yes |
No |
Weighted grade average |
No |
Yes |
Weighted adjusted grade average |
Yes |
Yes |
Note: For more information, see Selecting a Current Year GPA Calculation Formula & Method [>>].
= | Calculation Method - From the dropdown, select one of the following: |
= | Use grade points - this converts existing grades to the grade point equivalents specified in the grading table prior to averaging them. |
= | Use numeric grades scaled to 100 - this divides the actual grades entered by the appropriate scale and then multiplies them by 100 prior to averaging them. |
Note: For more information, see Selecting a Current Year GPA Calculation Formula & Method [>>].
= | Level - From the dropdown, select one of the following: |
= | Use Assigned Level - this uses values from the version of the grading table specified for the course (e.g., Honors, Remedial). |
= | Use Regular Level - this uses values from the Regular version of the grading table, regardless of the course level specified for the course. The name of this option may be different if your district has changed the name of the Regular course level setup list item. |
5 | Under Calculation Display Result, define the following: |
= | Grading Table - Select the grading table that will be used to determine the grade of the resulting GPA. Note: The grading table selected in Grading Table is only used when the GPA Calculation method is set to "Use numeric values scaled to 100" and/or the GPA "Display as" option is set to "Equivalent grade". For more information, see Displaying Current Year GPAs [>>]. |
= | Display As - Choose one of the following: |
= | Equivalent Grade - this displays the grade in the format specified by the Equivalent Grade column of a numeric grading table or the Input Grade of a letter grade or graphic symbol grading table. |
= | Numeric Value - this displays the numeric value of the GPA result, using the scale of the grading table. |
= | Decimal Places - If you selected Numeric Value, specify how many decimal places the resulting GPA should be rounded to. |
6 | Under Contributing Grading Periods and Grade Items, define the following: |
= | Grading Period - Select a grading period for the GPA from the dropdown: |
= | Year to Date - If this option is selected, the resulting GPA includes all grading periods up to the current grading period. The GPA may also include the current grading period; however, this depends on the option chosen when GPA calculations are run. For more information see Current-Year GPAs and Effective As Of Date [>>]. If the result of this GPA definition is printed on every report card in a grading period set, the result changes each grading period to include the most recent grades. |
= | Current Report Card Period - If this option is selected, the GPA includes grades from either the current grading period only or from the last completed grading period. Which grades are included depends on the option chosen when GPA calculations are run. For more information, see Current-Year GPAs and Effective As Of Date [>>]. |
= | Report Card <#> - This option allows you to customize the GPA for each report card period or to show GPA definitions for each report card period at once by creating a separate GPA for each. If you have more than one grading period set, you can use the same GPAs for report cards of each grading period set. The GPA for Report Card 1 applies to the first report card period, no matter what the date range or the name. |
= | Available Grade Items - Click each grade item that you want to include in the GPA and click to move it to the Selected Grade Items list. Note: If a grade item that you want does not appear in the Available Grade Items list, ensure the Used in Calculations setting for the grade item is set to Yes. For further information, see Defining grade items [>>]. |
= | Use course credit weights -To weigh grades to reflect course credits, select this option. (Applies to to "Weighted Grade Average" or "Weighted Adjusted Grade Average") Credit weights change the impact of a course on the GPA using course credits. For example, a Math course might be worth 3 credits, while an after-school band program is worth only 1.5 credits. If you don't use course credit weights, the band grade affects the GPA as much as the Math grade. If you use course credit weights, the band grade has only half of the impact than the Math grade. The district sets the maximum course credits for every course in the Course Catalog. When schools define GPAs, they can decide whether to take course credits into account. Courses with 0 max. credits are ignored. Note: The % Credit column in the grading tables is unrelated to course credit weights. |
= | Use user-defined grade item weights - To change the impact of one grade item over another, select this options. (Applies to to "Weighted Grade Average" or "Weighted Adjusted Grade Average"). Click Specify Grade Item Calculation Properties. |
= | In the Weight column for the grade item, enter the appropriate weight. |
= | In the Missing Grade column, specify what happens if a grade is missing. The default is "Ignore grade item". |
= | Click OK. |
= | Note: User-defined grade item weights change the impact of one grade item over another; therefore, it applies only to the GPAs that include multiple grade items, not to GPAs based on course grades only. For example, assume a GPA includes a course grade and an exam grade, and you want the course grade to make up two‑thirds of the GPA - the course grade has twice as much impact on the GPA as the exam grade. You would set the weight of the course grade to 2 and the exam to 1. The school sets user-defined grade-item weights when it defines a GPA. |
7 | Under Contributing Courses, to include all courses in the GPA calculation, select Include all courses in the calculation. |
= | To include only certain courses in the GPA calculation, select Include selected courses in the calculation. Click 0 courses selected. On the Select Courses page, search for and select the courses to be included in the GPA, and click OK. |
= | To exclude only certain courses from the GPA calculation, select Exclude selected courses from the calculation. Click 0 courses selected. On the Select Courses page, search for and select the courses to be included in the GPA, and click OK. |
= | To include only a student's top grades in the GPA calculation, select Count only the best # of the included courses and enter the number of courses. Note: This option can be combined with any of those listed above. |
8 | Click OK. |
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