| Reporting on information > Running a report

Running a report

PowerSchool SMS displays the reports available for your role [>>] in several places:

= On the menu bar of any page, click My Reports [Figure 6]: The user can select the reports available from this menu [>>].
= On a District Reports page: In general, this is a comprehensive list of the reports in the system. However, the list may contain more reports than those you can run [Figure 73].
= In the Reports menu of particular pages [Figure 73], such as a page of student search results [>>].

Figure 73: Reports menu example

You can run a report at any time. A report may take some time to generate its results, especially on large systems or where the report gathers a broad range of information. A report can run in the background as you carry on with other work in the system. You can run another report before the first is finished. In this case, PowerSchool SMS puts the reports in a queue and runs up to two at once.

To run a report:

Figure 74: Print-ready report results example

A The web browser's File menu

Figure 75: Saved Report Options example

A Saved Report Options: Lists options settings that you saved previously for this report. The default choice is the most recently saved options setting. "<use default settings>" re-applies the report's default options setting.
B Delete: Click to delete a named options setting.

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