| Reporting on information > Report types

Report types

Three kinds of reports appear in a PowerSchool SMS system: built-in, package, and custom:

= Built-in reports [>>] are integral to PowerSchool SMS. Of the built-in reports, some are available to all users and others are made available only to specific roles by an administrator [Making reports available >>]. Reports built into PowerSchool SMS prior to version 4.2 are known as legacy reports. The administrator can track the activity of these reports using SQL [>>].
= Report Package reports are part of the PowerSchool SMS Report Package [>>] of which there is one for each version of PowerSchool SMS. Report Packages are available at https://support.powerschool.com. Each Report Package contains a set of reports which the administrator of a PowerSchool SMS system can install and make available to users. Where the reports are already installed on a system, the Report Package gives the administrator the option of updating those reports with the latest version. The reports available to a user are specific to his or her role.
= Custom reports are reports of your own creation that you add to the system. You can develop custom reports using a report writing tool such as Crystal Reports [>>].

The District Administrator can control the specific reports available to a user or role [>>] using permissions [see <Report> permission >>].

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