| Student management > Viewing student information > Queries > Running a query

Running a query

You can run a query [>>] directly from the Query menu [Figure 43] or from the Advanced Query page [Figure 44]. When you run a query from the Query menu, one of three things can happen

= If the query has not been run previously, PowerSchool SMS runs it and displays the results.
= If the query has been run previously and it was run within the results retention time period defined by the district [>>], PowerSchool SMS displays the results from the last time the query was run.
= If the query has been run previously and you are now running it again outside the results retention time period defined by the district [>>], PowerSchool SMS re-runs the query and displays refreshed results. (Alternatively, you can re-run a query manually from the Advanced Query Results page [Figure 46].)

If a query has been set to prompt for a filter [>>], you are provided with a dialog in which you can apply a filter [Figure 45]. Filters are optional; you can choose to run a query without a filter even if prompted for one.

With the appropriate permissions [>>], a School Administrator can hide queries that they do not want users to run [Figure 44]; this is useful if there are heavy queries (that is; queries that significantly slow system performance) that should be run only during low system usage times [see Query run-time preferences >>] [see Query run-time preferences >>]

To run a query:

Figure 43: Running a query from the Query menu

A Click the query to run it.


Figure 44: Running a query from the Advanced Query page (School Admin role )

A Hide Selected Queries: School Administrators can select a query and choose this option to hide queries they do not want users to run. The query will appear in italics. Note: Available only to the School Admin role.

Figure 45: Apply Filter dialog

A Click the filter and then the arrow to move the filter to the appropriate list.

Working with query results

After you run a query [>>], you can work with the results, such as applying a filter [Figure 45], re-running the query, or printing the query results. Note: There are some query results that you can save as a Saved List for later use. If saving to a list is appropriated for a particular query, "Save to List" option appears in the Actions menu; otherwise, PowerSchool SMS does not display the Actions menu.

To work with query results:

Figure 46: Query results

A Apply Filter: Click to open the Filter dialog and select and apply a filter to the query. A filter can only be applied to a query with a status of completed.
B Query definition.
C Applied filter. PowerSchool SMS appends filters to the end of the query definition with the logical operator AND.
D Click to output query results to a format you specify [Figure 47].
E Query results
F Rerun Query: Click to run the query again.

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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