| District setup > Academic plan setup > Selecting courses for an academic plan version

Selecting courses for an academic plan version

An academic plan’s structure consists of a list of courses from which earned credits would fulfill the plan’s requirements. These selected courses, a subset of the courses available in the district’s course catalog for the active year, are organized into one or more course groups to each of which a minimum number of credits is assigned. Typically, a course group contains a list of courses in a single field of study, such as Science, Humanities, or Physical Education, or a single type, such as Electives. The total of all credits of a plan version’s course groups must equal the credits assigned to that plan version.

A course group can consist of one or more course subgroups, which can be useful for organizing a course group’s courses by such criteria as grade level, difficulty, or specialization; for example, the plan could require a student to take 6 credits of Science (the course group), of which 3 credit must be from a Biology course (the subgroup). A course group can hold up to 6 levels of subgroups. The total of all credits of a group’s subgroups must equal the credits assigned to the parent group. Note: If a course group contains subgroups, we recommend organizing all courses in the course group into subgroups; in other words, organize all courses into the same level of grouping.

The District Administrator selects courses for inclusion in a group or subgroup by searching the course catalog and selecting from the search results.

To select courses for a group or subgroup:

Figure 132 : Course groups

A Move group icon

Figure 133 : Group setup page

A Search Results: A list of courses generated from a search of the course catalog.
To add a course group or subgroup:

Always Learning
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Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com