| District setup > Academic plan setup

Academic plan setup

A District Administrator can create one or more academic plans [>>] for use in the district. To create a plan, a District Administrator creates an academic plan and then creates versions of that plan. Typically, each plan version corresponds to a specific year or range of years. It is the plan version that a School Administrator assigns to a student [>>]. To facilitate assignment to students, a District Administrator can designate one plan as the default for the district. Note: Academic plans replace graduation plans.Pearson intends to phase out graduation plan features in future versions of PowerSchool SMS. If necessary, Pearson Support can help you convert existing graduation plans to academic plans and assign them to students.

Setting up an academic plan involves:

= Setting up an academic plan and its versions [>>].
= Selecting courses for an academic plan version [>>].
= Setting course credit assignment priority [>>].
= [Optional] Setting aptitude and achievement requirement rules [>>].
= [Optional] Designating an academic plan as the district default [>>].

Table 54: Permissions pertaining to academic plan setup


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District > Academic Plan Setup



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