| District setup > Academic plan setup > Setting up an academic plan and its versions

Setting up an academic plan and its versions

An academic plan consists of the plan name and at least one version. A plan version applies to one year or a span of years. Each plan version can also differ in its structure (for example, course groups and required credits) and rules (for example, aptitude test requirements).

When a District Administrator sets up a new academic plan, PowerSchool SMS automatically creates the first version of that plan. When a District Administrator creates an additional version of that academic plan, PowerSchool SMS duplicates the structure and rules of the most recent (in terms of year range) plan version and automatically sets the start year to the next year that follows the end year of the duplicated plan version.

To create a new academic plan:

Figure 131: Academic plan editing

A Add Plan: Adds a new academic plan and its first version.
To create an additional version of an academic plan:

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