This section describes the capabilities new in Chancery SMS 7.6.2.
The District Administrator can force a user role to record a reason for any change to a submitted attendance code [>>].
Academic Planner
The Short name entered on the Academic Plan Setup page remains unique when additional plan versions are created, enabling district administrators to create an academic plan with a set of plan versions related to that academic plan. Districts are no longer required to set up individual academic plans for each plan version [>>].
School administrators can enter a student's grades for a grading period that occurred before the student was scheduled into the class [>>].
Log on
There is a new logon page in Chancery SMS 7.6 [>>]. This page functions in the same manner as the previous logon page but is named "Sign in".
Permanent Record
For cumulative GPA definitions with included/excluded courses where a historical course is subsequently manually added, the new historical course is automatically included in the calculation regardless of the case in the course number.
For the Academic Planner set up and its student credit calculations, each course number is still considered unique.
The "Change Reason for Submitted Attendance" permission controls whether users are required to enter a change reason for any change to a submitted attendance code [>>]. |
Access to the Social security # field on the Overview tab of the Student Demographics and the Staff Demographics pages is controlled by a new "Access to SSN" permission [>>]. |
There is a new Backfill Grades permission that controls the user's ability to enter grades for a class in a past grading period [>>]. |
There is a new Delete Teacher Assignment permission that controls users' ability to delete teacher class assignments [>>]. |
Reports Framework
Report writers can use special characters and spaces in column names.
On the Master Schedule and Class Setup pages, school administrators can schedule more than three teachers into a class, indicate what role each teacher played in the classroom, and view a history of teachers assigned to the class. For further information, refer to the Chancery SMS 7.6.0 Managing Teacher Class Assignments Technical Bulletin, available in the Addenda. |
Withdrawn students are no longer included in the Homeroom count. |
The Classes and Homerooms pages display the number of active students in the class. For details, refer to the Chancery SMS 7.6.0 Release Notes. |
Student Behavior
On the Student Behavior page users can search the Student Number field, located in the "Most Frequent" category in the Basic and Detail search page [>>]. The search operators are: "Contains", "Starts with", "Ends with" and "Equals".
Note: The ability to run Year-End Processing [>>] is enabled in this version of Chancery SMS and all subsequent release unless otherwise noted.