| District setup > Student behavior setup

Student behavior setup

As a District Administrator, you set preferences for the handling of student behavior [>>] incident records across the district. Such preferences include access to the behavior incident records of students who transfer from one district school to another, the category of incidents displayed to users, and the calculation of suspension days. In addition, Student Behavior setup involves the configuration of Setup Lists. See Student Behavior Setup Lists [>>]

In PowerSchool SMS 8.2 and higher, you have the option of using Student Behavior Lite, instead of standardStudent Behavior. Student Behavior Lite is a simplified version of the Student Behavior feature, and provides the ability to enter behavior incidents, actions, and persons involved, while still maintaining tie-ins to enrollment and registration, attendance, and students receiving specialized services [see Recording an incident using Student Behavior Lite >>].

If your district currently uses the standard Student Behavior feature [>>], you can easily switch to Student Behavior Lite [Figure 314]. When you switch, your current data in standard Student Behavior, although no longer visible to users, is maintained in the database tables; customizations are maintained as well. This means that at a later date you can switch back to the standard Student Behavior feature if you need to. Note: If your district opts to use Student Behavior Lite, additional setup steps are required [see Student Behavior Lite setup >>]

Setting Student Behavior preferences

Setting student behavior preferences involves specifying whether staff at a receiving school can see student behavior records from transferring students' previous schools, which categories of behavior records the staff can work with, and which behavior records staff can access based on the student's role in the incident. Note: Users must also have the Cross-School Student Behavior Access permission set to "Yes" [>>], as well as permission to see specific incident severity levels. (For standard Student Behavior permissions, see Table 65 [>>] or, for Student Behavior Lite permissions, see Table 66 [>>].)

To set up district student behavior preferences:

Setting up suspension day calculations

You can specify which behavior action steps (or, in the case of Student Behavior Lite [>>], which behavior actions) are used to calculate suspension days, as well as set PowerSchool SMS to warn users when a student receiving specialized services exceeds the specified suspension threshold.

By default, student behavior attendance actions do not overwrite any attendance codes [>>] which are explicitly set at a school; however, you can set PowerSchool SMS to overwrite existing attendance codes.

To set the calculation of suspension days:

Figure 313: Suspension day calculations

A If your district uses Student Behavior Lite [>>], "Actions" rather than "Action Steps" appear here.
B PowerSchool SMS displays a warning message to users when the number of suspension days exceeds the threshold entered here.

Student Behavior Lite setup

To use Student Behavior Lite, [>>]complete the following steps. Important: For Student Behavior Lite to function correctly, the Behavior Action [>>] set up list must have matching codes in the associated Behavior Action Step [>>] setup list; ensure this is done before you select the Use Student Behavior Lite option.

1 Ensure that the Behavior Action [>>] setup list has codes that match those of the list items in the associated Behavior Action Step [>>] setup list
= For instructions on working with Setup Lists, see Ensure consistent data [>>].
2 On the Student Behavior Preferences page [>>], select Use Student Behavior Lite [Figure 314].
3 If you have not already done so, follow the set up instructions in Setting Student Behavior preferences [>>] and Setting up suspension day calculations [>>].

Figure 314: Set 'Use Student Behavior Lite' option on Student Behavior Preferences page

A Use Student Behavior Lite: Controls which version of Student Behavior is active. Select to activate Student Behavior Lite, deselect to re-activate standard Student Behavior.

Table 65: Permissions pertaining to Student Behavior(standard)


You need this permission

Set to


View and edit incident records. Permission is granted according to incident category and severity level.

Student Behavior > Discipline Category Severity High

Student Behavior > Discipline Category Severity Medium

Student Behavior > Discipline Category Severity Low

Student Behavior > Non-Discipline Category Severity High

Student Behavior > Non-Discipline Category Severity Medium

Student Behavior > Non-Discipline Category Severity Low

Student Behavior > Academic Category Severity High

Student Behavior > Academic Category Severity Medium

Student Behavior > Academic Category Severity Low

Student Behavior > Attendance Category Severity High

Student Behavior > Attendance Category Severity Medium

Student Behavior > Attendance Category Severity Low

Student Behavior > Behavior Category 1 Severity High

Student Behavior > Behavior Category 1 Severity Medium

Student Behavior > Behavior Category 1 Severity Low













View incident records for all students in the district and edit incident records at the user's school

Student Behavior > Cross-School Student Behavior Access



View and edit incident records for all students in the district

Student Behavior > Cross-School Student Behavior Access



Print the Student Behavior Summary

Reporting > Behavior Summary Report



Change an attendance setting assigned by a student behavior action step

Attendance > Override Student Behavior Attendance



Enroll a student who is assigned a student behavior action that restricts enrollment

Student Behavior > Override Student Behavior Enrollment



Table 66: Permissions pertaining to Student Behavior Lite


You need this permission

Set to


View and edit incident records. Permission is granted according to incident category and severity level.

Student Behavior > Discipline Category Severity High

Student Behavior > Discipline Category Severity Medium

Student Behavior > Discipline Category Severity Low





View incident records for all students in the district and edit incident records at the user's school

Student Behavior > Cross-School Student Behavior Access



View and edit incident records for all students in the district

Student Behavior > Cross-School Student Behavior Access



Enroll a student who is assigned a student behavior action that restricts enrollment

Student Behavior > Override Student Behavior Enrollment




Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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