| District setup > Student behavior setup > Behavior setup lists

Student Behavior Setup Lists

This section describes the Student Behavior Setup Lists in PowerSchool SMS; for instructions on configuring Setup Lists in general, see Ensure consistent data [>>].

Student behavior [>>] Setup Lists are hierarchical and often reference other Student Behavior Setup Lists. Therefore, it is recommended that you define Setup Lists in the following order:

1 Behavior Incident Setup Lists [>>]
2 Behavior Event/Concern Setup Lists [>>]
3 Behavior Action Setup Lists [>>]

Behavior Incident Setup Lists

Behavior Incident Setup Lists include the following Setup Lists:

= Behavior Incident Location [>>]
= Behavior Incident Location Category [>>]
= Behavior Incident Time Classification [>>]
= Behavior Incident Time Sub-classification [>>]
= Behavior Incident Factor [>>]
= Behavior Weapon [>>]
= Behavior Weapon Category [>>]

Behavior Incident Location

The Behavior Incident Location setup list defines the site where the incident took place, such as the cafeteria or a classroom. This setup list includes the Incident Location Category, which specifies the high-level locations where a student behavior incident occurred, e.g., on school property, off school property. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Incident Location Category [>>] setup list.

Behavior Incident Location Category

The Behavior Incident Location Category setup list defines high-level locations where a student behavior incident occurred, such as On School Property and Off School Property. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Incident Location [>>] setup list. It includes standard setup options only.

Behavior Incident Time Classification

The Behavior Incident Time Classification setup list defines high-level times when a student behavior incident occurred, such as After School, During School Hours, Before School, etc. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Incident Time Sub-classification [>>] setup list. It includes standard setup options only.

Behavior Incident Time Sub-classification

The Behavior Incident Time Sub-classification setup list defines specific times when a student behavior incident occurred. Each behavior incident time sub-classification is associated with an item from the Behavior Incident Time Classification [>>] setup list. For example, a "During school hours" time classification might be associated with the following sub-classifications: Period 1, Period 2, during lunch, between classes, and so on.

The Behavior Incident Time Sub-classification setup list includes the Incident Time Classification, which specifies the behavior incident time classification associated with the sub-classification. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Incident Time Classification [>>] setup list.

Behavior Incident Factor

The Behavior Incident Factor setup list defines flags that indicate the nature of the incident or the types of things involved in the incident, such as drugs involvement, hate crime, racial discrimination, etc. This setup list includes the standard setup options only.

Behavior Weapon Category

The Behavior Weapon Category setup list defines primary-level categorization or grouping of weapons used in a behavior incident, such as firearm. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Weapon [>>] setup list. It includes the standard setup options only.

Behavior Weapon

The Behavior Weapon setup list defines specific weapons used in behavior incidents, such as rifle, "knife – less than two inches", etc. This setup list includes the standard setup options only. The Behavior Weapon setup list includes the Weapon Category, which specifies the weapon category associated with the sub-classification. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Weapon Category [>>] setup list.

Behavior Event/Concern Setup Lists

Behavior Event/Concern Setup Lists include the following Setup Lists:

= Behavior Event/Concern [>>]
= Behavior Event/Concern Category [>>]
= Behavior Event/Concern Sub-Category [>>]
= Behavior Event/Concern Severity [>>]

Behavior Event/Concern

The Behavior Event/Concern setup list defines specific events or concerns, including offenses or violations of any of the established codes of the school, district board of education, or civic authorities, as well as academic concerns or issues. For example, behavior events/concerns can include the following items: alcohol use, arson, breaking and entering, reading below grade level, witness to violence, and so on. The Behavior Event/Concern setup list includes the following additional setup options:

= Event/Concern Sub- Category: Specifies the event/concern sub-category the event/concern is associated with. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Event/Concern Sub-Category [>>] setup list.
= Event/Concern Severity: Specifies the level of severity associated with the event/concern. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Event/Concern Severity [>>] setup list.
= Comment: Additional information about the event/concern.
= Requires Police Notification: Indicates whether the police need to be notified about the event/concern.The following options are available:

No - police notification is not required.

Yes - police must be notified.

Unknown - you are unsure if the police need to be notified.

N/A - does not apply.

= Requires Specialized Services Notification: Indicates whether the Specialized Services office needs to be notified about the event/concern. The following options are available:

No - Specialized Services notification is not required.

Yes - Specialized Services must be notified.

Unknown - you are unsure if Specialized Services need to be notified.

N/A - does not apply.

= Violates Zero Tolerance Policy: Indicates whether the event/concern violates a zero-tolerance policy. The following options are available:

No - does not violate zero-tolerance policies.

Yes - violates zero-tolerance policies.

Unknown - not sure if zero-tolerance policies are violated.

N/A - does not apply.

= Discipline Event or Concern: Used for data mapping and reports. Indicates whether the incident should be data mapped. Incident data is only mapped if this field is selected for at least one event/concern associated with the incident.
= School Categories: This option is only used by schools that maintain data in Win School or Mac School. It specifies the school categories to which the behavior action is available.
= Availability in Schools: This option is only used by schools that maintain data in Win School or Mac School. It specifies which schools have the behavior action automatically assigned to them:

All schools - assigns the behavior action to all schools in the district.

Schools in selected categories - assigns the behavior action to schools in the categories selected in School Categories

No other schools - assigns the behavior to the selected school only.

Behavior Event/Concern Category

The Behavior Event/Concern Category setup list defines primary-level categorization or grouping of events or concerns, such as discipline or academic. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Event/Concern [>>] setup list. It include the standard setup options only.

Behavior Event/Concern Sub-Category

The Behavior Event/Concern Sub-category setup list defines the secondary level categorization of behavior events and concerns. Each behavior event/concern sub-category is associated with a behavior event/concern category. For example, Substance Abuse category might have the following sub-category items: alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and so on. This setup list includes the Event/Concern Category, which specifies the event/concern category associated with the sub-category. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Event/Concern Category [>>] setup list.

Behavior Event/Concern Severity

The Behavior Event/Concern Severity setup list defines the severity of events or concerns, such as high, medium, low, and so on. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Event/Concern [>>] setup list. It includes standard setup options only.

Behavior Action Setup Lists

Behavior Action Setup Lists include the following Setup Lists:

= Behavior Action [>>]
= Behavior Action Category [>>]
= Behavior Action Sub-Category [>>]
= Behavior Action Severity [>>]
= Behavior Action Type [>>]
= Behavior Action Step [>>]
= Behavior Action Step Category [>>]
= Behavior Action Step Status [>>]
= Behavior Discrepancy Reason [>>]
= Behavior Attendance Action [>>]

Behavior Action

The Behavior Action setup list defines overall actions that might be executed in response to incidents, events, or concerns. Actions could be punitive or corrective processes that might be executed by the school or court authority to reprimand or rehabilitate a student after an incident is committed. Actions could also be educational to address academic concerns or supportive to assist victims or witnesses of incidents. Each behavior action is associated with one or more action steps.

The Behavior Action setup list includes the following additional fields:

= Action Sub-Category: Specifies the action sub-category with which this action is associated. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Action Sub-Category [>>] setup list.
= Action Severity: Specifies the action’s severity level, such as high, medium, and low. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Action Severity [>>] setup list.
= Action Type: Specifies the nature of the action, such as expulsion, suspension, counseling, and so on. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Action Type [>>] setup list.
= Comment: Additional comments about the behavior action.
= Default Action Step: Specifies the action step associated with the behavior action by default. When users assign the behavior action, they can select different action steps, as required.The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Action Step [>>] setup list.
= School Categories: This option is only used by schools that maintain data in Win School or Mac School. Specifies the school categories to which the behavior action is available.
= Availability in Schools: This option is only used by schools that maintain data in Win School or Mac School. Specifies which schools have the behavior action automatically assigned to them:

All Schools - assigns the behavior action to all schools in the district.

School in Selected Categories - assigns the behavior action to schools in the categories selected in School Categories.

No other schools - assigns the behavior to the selected school only.

Behavior Action Category

The Behavior Action Category setup list defines the groupings of behavior actions, such as tutoring or discipline. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Action [>>] setup list; it includes standard setup options only.

Behavior Action Sub-Category

The Behavior Action Sub-category setup list describes the sub-grouping of actions for the specified behavior action category. This setup list includes the following additional setup options:

= Comment - Additional comments about the action sub-category.
= Action Category - Specifies the action category this action sub-category is associated with. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Action Category [>>] setup list.

Behavior Action Severity

The Behavior Action Severity setup list defines the severity of actions, such as high, medium, low, and so on. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Action [>>] setup list; it includes standard setup options only.

Behavior Action Type

The Behavior Action Type setup list defines the nature of the action, such as academic intervention, discipline, and so on. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Action [>>] setup list. It includes standard setup options only.

Behavior Action Step

The Behavior Action Step setup list defines discrete portions of behavior actions. Each behavior action step is associated with one behavior action. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Action [>>] setup list. The Behavior Action Step setup list includes the following additional fields:

= Action Step Category: Specifies the action category this action step is associated with. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Action Step Category [>>] setup list.
= Default Step Status: Sets the default value for the action step’s status. The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Action Step Status [>>] setup list.
= Attendance Action: Specifies the attendance action assigned to the action step. School Administrators map these Attendance Actions to school Action Codes. When a student is assigned the action step, PowerSchool SMS automatically updates attendance entry pages to show the assigned action code.The options available in the selection list are defined in the Behavior Attendance Action [>>] setup list. N/A indicates no attendance-related repercussion.
= Attendance Override:Indicates whether users can override the assigned attendance code. The ability to override an attendance code assigned by behavior actions depends on this setting and the permission, "Override Student Behavior Attendance". The following options are available:

"N/A" means attendance actions do not apply.

"No override allowed" means users cannot override the setting even if they have the permission, "Override Student Behavior Attendance".

"User may override" means users can override the attendance setting even if they do not have the permission,"Override Student Behavior Attendance" set.

"User may override with permission" means user may only change the attendance setting when they have the permission "Override Student Behavior Attendance" set.

Enrollment Action: Specifies the enrollment action associated with the action step. When students are assigned the action step, users may be unable to or warned against enrolling the student in another school. The warning or restriction applies to all schools in the district. User can override the enrollment action restriction if they have the permission, "Override Student Behavior Enrollment" set.


Enrollment is only prevented if the date the student is being enrolled falls within the applicable student behavior action step’s date range. If the student is subject to an enrollment action that begins after the date the student is being enrolled, then the user is warned, but not prevented from enrolling the student. The following options are available:

"N/A" means enrollment actions do not apply.

"Warn before enrolling" means users are warned but not prevented from enrolling students who are assigned this action step.

"Restrict enrollment" means users cannot enroll the student unless they have the permission, "Override Student Behavior Enrollment" set.

Behavior Action Step Category

The Behavior Action Step Category setup list defines the grouping of actions for the specified behavior action category. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Action Sub-Category [>>] setup list; it includes standard setup options only.

Behavior Action Step Status

The Behavior Action Step Status setup list defines the status of an action step. For example, completed, pending, incomplete, and so on. This setup list includes standard setup options only.

Behavior Discrepancy Reason

The Behavior Discrepancy Reason setup list defines reasons the dates for a reduced number of days or time served, such as good behavior. This setup includes the standard setup options only.

Behavior Attendance Action

The Behavior Attendance Action setup list defines attendance actions, such as suspension. This setup list is referenced by the Behavior Action Step [>>] setup list. School Administrators map these Attendance Actions to school Attendance Codes. When a student is assigned an attendance-related action step, PowerSchool SMS automatically updates attendance entry pages to show the assigned action code.

Note:Items in the Behavior Attendance Action setup list may be deleted even if they are mapped to attendance actions. You cannot delete an item from this setup list if it is referenced by an item in the Behavior Action Step Status [>>]setup list. The Behavior Attendance Action setup list includes the Priority field, which specifies the priority for this attendance item. If a student is assigned multiple student behavior action steps on the same day and those actions steps are associated with different attendance codes, PowerSchool SMS checks the Priority setting in this setup list to determine which attendance code applies. The available options are 0 to 9, where 9 indicates the lowest priority.

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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