| Appendices > Permissions catalog > Attendance permissions

Attendance permissions

Permissions in this category pertain to the taking of attendance [>>]. For permissions pertaining to attendance-taking methods and setup, refer to School Setup permissions [>>]. Attendance permissions include:

= Change Reason for Submitted Attendance permission [>>]
= Daily Attendance permission [>>]
= Daily Attendance Override permission [>>]
= Enter Attendance for Multiple Students permission [>>]
= Enter Current Attendance permission [>>]
= Enter Future Attendance permission [>>]
= Mass Attendance permission [>>]
= Modify Attendance Entered by Office permission [>>]
= Modify Past Attendance permission [>>]
= Modify Submitted Attendance permission [>>]
= Override Student Behavior Attendance permission [>>]

Change Reason for Submitted Attendance permission

This permission controls the user's requirement to enter a reason for any change to a submitted attendance code. You can force or enable the user to enter a change reason. The user can select the change reason from a list that PowerSchool SMS derives from the Attendance Change Reason setup list [>>].

PowerSchool SMS-calculated updates to attendance codes, such as Student Behavior Suspension, do not require and will not be assigned a change reason. PowerSchool SMS logs change reasons entered [>>].

To require a role to enter a reason for a change to a submitted attendance code: [DA]
To enable district users to enter a reason for a change to a submitted attendance code: [DA]


= The effect of this permission depends on General Preferences settings.
= This permission applies to schools that take once-daily attendance [>>].
= This permission applies to schools that take attendance by class [>>].
= This permission applies to a role with a school-level scope [>>]. (A role with district-level scope is unable to view the attendance-taking pages.)


= Yes: The user is required to enter a reason for a change to attendance submitted for a student. The user can select a Change Reason on various attendance-related pages in the system. The specific effect depends on the General Preferences setting Enable change reason on attendance pages [>>].
= No: The user is not required to enter a reason for a change to submitted attendance. TheChange Reason field is not visible.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: No
= School Administrator: No
= School Counselor: No
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Daily Attendance permission

This permission controls the user's ability to assign a daily attendance code to a student [>>].


= This permission applies to schools that take once-daily attendance [>>].
= This permission applies to schools that take attendance by class [>>].
= This permission applies to a role with a school-level scope [>>]. (A role with district-level scope is unable to view the attendance-taking pages.)
= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= For the user to record attendance for the current day, the setting for the Enter Current Attendance permission [>>] must be Yes.
= For the user to record attendance for a future day, the setting for the Enter Future Attendance permission [>>] must be Yes.
= For the user to record attendance for a past day, the setting for the Modify Past Attendance permission [>>] must be Yes.


= Yes: The user can record attendance for a student.
= No: The user is unable to record attendance for a student. On the Student Demographics page [>>], PowerSchool SMS does not display the Attendance link. On the My Classes page [>>], PowerSchool SMS does not display the attendance icon.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: Yes
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Daily Attendance Override permission

This permission controls the user's ability to make PowerSchool SMS recalculate daily attendance codes for an individual student for one or more days in the past as well as the current day [>>].


= This permission applies to schools that take attendance by class [>>].
= This permission applies to a role with a school-level scope [>>]. (A role with district-level scope is unable to view the attendance-taking pages.)
= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Yes: The user can recalculate a student's daily attendance code.
= No: The user is unable to recalculate a student's daily attendance code.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Enter Current Attendance permission

This permission controls the user's ability to assign an attendance code to one or more students for the current date [>>].


= This permission applies to a role with a school-level scope [>>]. (A role with district-level scope is unable to view the attendance-taking pages.)
= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Yes: The user can assign an attendance code to one or more students for the current date.
= No: The user is unable to assign an attendance code to one or more students for the current date.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: Yes
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Enter Future Attendance permission

This permission controls the user's ability to assign attendance code to one or more students for a future date [>>].


= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Yes: The user can assign an attendance code to one or more students for a future date.
= No: The user is unable to assign an attendance code to one or more students for a future date.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Enter Attendance for Multiple Students permission

This permission controls the user's ability to assign an attendance code to multiple students [>>].


= This permission applies to a role with a school-level scope [>>]. (A role with district-level scope is unable to view the attendance-taking pages.)
= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Yes: The user can assign an attendance code for multiple students for the current date.
= No: The user is unable to assign an attendance code to multiple students for the current date.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: No
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: Yes
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Mass Attendance permission

This permission controls the user's ability to assign attendance to more than one student at a time [>>].


= This permission applies to a role with a school-level scope [>>].
= This permission overrides the other attendance permissions [>>]. For example, a user for whom the setting for the Modify Submitted Attendance permission [>>] is No and the Mass Attendance permission [>>] is Yes can mass assign attendance even where the attendance being modified has already been recorded.
= This permission does not enable a user with the base role of Teacher [>>] to work with students not assigned to him or her.


= Yes: The user can assign attendance to more than one student at a time.
= No: The user is unable to assign attendance to more than one student at a time.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Modify Attendance Entered by Office permission

This permission controls the user's ability to change a student's attendance code where that code has been recorded [>>].


= This permission applies to a role with a school-level scope [>>]. (A role with district-level scope is unable to view the attendance-taking pages.)
= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Yes: The user can change a student's previously recorded attendance code.
= No: The user is unable to change a student's previously recorded attendance code.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Modify Past Attendance permission

This permission controls the user's ability to change the attendance codes assigned to a student in the past [>>].


= This permission applies to a role with a school-level scope [>>]. (A role with district-level scope is unable to view the attendance-taking pages.)
= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Yes: The user can change the attendance codes assigned to a student in the past.
= No: The user is unable to change the attendance codes assigned to a student in the past.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Modify Submitted Attendance permission

This permission controls the user's ability to change any "Present" attendance codes assigned to a student in the past, for the current date, or for a future date [>>]. The user is unable to change "Absent" or "Tardy" codes.


= This permission applies to a role with a school-level scope [>>]. (A role with district-level scope is unable to view the attendance-taking pages.)
= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.


= Yes: The user can change any "Present" attendance codes assigned to a student.
= No: The user is unable to change any "Present" attendance codes assigned to a student.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: Yes
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: Yes
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: No
= District Health Professional: No

Override Student Behavior Attendance permission

This permission controls the user's ability to change an attendance code assigned to a student via a student behavior action step [see Assigning a follow-up student behavior action >>].


= This permission applies to a role with a school-level scope [>>]. (A role with district-level scope is unable to view the attendance-taking pages.)
= For the user to work with the student record's Student Demographics page [>>], the setting for the Demographic Data permission [>>] must be View or Edit.
= This permission is affected by the field Student Behavior Action's Attendance Override associated with an behavior action step [see Student behavior setup >>]. When this field's setting is "No override allowed", this permission's setting has no effect. When this field's setting is "User can override with permission", this permission's setting takes effect.


= Yes: The user can change an attendance code assigned to a student via a student behavior action step
= No: The user is unable to change an attendance code assigned to a student via a student behavior action step.

Default settings by base role [>>]:

= District Administrator: No
= School Administrator: Yes
= School Counselor: Yes
= School Secretary: No
= Teacher: No
= School Health Professional: Yes
= District Health Professional: No

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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