| District setup > Report Writing > Report Design

Report Design

Designing your report – determining what data to display, what views to include, what filters to use, etc. – is the most difficult part of the report writing process. Unfortunately, it’s also the part of the process that lends itself the least to documentation. Most of designing your reports is going to be a question of trial and error. However, the sections that follow are intended to give you a head start on the process.


If your report is very complex, it’s a good idea to create a diagram of how you intend to link the various views together before you start building the report. Checking your logic ahead of time will save you a lot of frustration in the long run. As you work through the mapping process, pay particular attention to selecting the correct root view, determining your object hierarchy, and defining the appropriate data ownership.

Root View
Object Hierarchy
Data Ownership


Another aspect of report design you need to consider before building your report is how you will filter the information so that the report returns precisely the data you want. There are several characteristics of the reporting framework that you need to take into consideration: role-level security; flexible filters; built-in filters; and filtering on dynamic properties.

Role-Level Security
PowerSchool SMS Filters
Crystal Reports Filters
Dynamic Properties


The following rules also need to be taken into account when you are designing your report:

= A report may contain one or more subreports. A subreport must not have any subreports.
= A report may use only DA_ views, but not any other type of views, tables, or stored procedures (exceptions are allowed for report extensibility; see Report Extensibility [>>]).
= A report must have at least one view.
= A report may use any number of fields.
= All report links must be directional (one view is the source and the other is the destination).
= All view links must use either left outer joins or inner joins. Right outer joins are not allowed.
= One and only one view must have only outgoing links and no incoming links (the root view).
= View links must not form any cyclic path (a path that starts at one view and leads back to the same view). If necessary, you can create a copy of a view that you have already used and create an alias for it. This allows you to continue moving in a linear path.
= Links between views must only be made on valid ID fields.
= The maximum number of links allows from one view to another view is two (one of for the ID link and one for the QUID link).

Report Building Help

The Data Access Layer makes the whole PowerSchool SMS database available to reporting. This significantly increases your ability to create custom reports that reflect the needs of your district and school.

However, with the sheer volume of information available, it can be difficult to find the views and fields that contain the specific data you require. To assist you in this, report building help is provided.

This report building help is an SQL query that allows you to select a schema (a logical grouping of records, such as SchoolStudent, Address, or Federal Ethnic Category), and provides the following for each:

= The view for the schema displays below the schema in the View field (e.g., DA_SchoolStudent).
= The Property column contains all of the properties in that particular schema in alphabetical order (e.g., LastName). Scroll through the list to find the property you want to include in your report.
= The Field column indicates which field the property is attached to (e.g., LastName). There may be key differences between the name of the property and the name of the related field.
= The Help column provides instructions for how to include the property for a particular schema in a report (e.g., To access the [EthnicCategory] property of the [SchoolStudent] schema, join the [DA_SchoolStudent] view with the [DA_EthnicCategory] view on the fields [EthnicCategory#EthnicCategoryID] and [EthnicCategoryID] respectively.). The instructions indicate which views need to be connected to the view for that schema using which reference IDs and intersection views. If the Help field is empty for a property, the property is a field in the view and can be added directly to the report.
To view the Schema Help: [SA]

Figure 322: Schema help

Report Extensibility

In spite of the flexibility of the reporting framework and the many options available in Crystal Reports, there may be certain complex functions that you cannot accomplish.

The reporting framework has the ability to be extended through the use of SQL transactions that can be created to perform complicated processes when the report is generated.

However, this report extensibility feature can result in issues with the database if they are not created properly. If, during the report design process, you determine that you require access to report extensibility, you can contact technical support [>>] to have the report (or components of it) custom designed for you.

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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