| District setup > Report Writing > Working with custom reports

Uploading Custom Reports

All reports created using the data access views must be uploaded to PowerSchool SMS to be run. During this process, the report is validated against the reporting framework to ensure that the joins between views are valid.

Because of the flexibility of the reporting framework, you can share reports with other districts and schools by distributing the .rpt files and .sql scripts used to create them. In a similar fashion, PowerSchool SMS can send out newly developed reports without waiting for a new release. The upload process for all reports created using the data access views is the same, regardless of who created the report.

The process of manually uploading individual reports involves the following steps:

= Step 1: Run SQL Script [>>]
= Step 2: Upload Report File [>>]
= Step 3: Set Report Filters [>>]
= Step 4: Test run the report [>>]

Step 1: Run SQL Script

Important:If your report uses report extensibility to perform complex calculations, you must execute the SQL script provided prior to uploading the report to PowerSchool SMS. You must run the SQL scripts for both the main database and the report writing database (ending in _DA). If your report does not use report extensibility, skip Step 1.

Running SQL script:

Step 2: Upload Report File

After running any required SQL scripts, you can upload the report files. Unlike in the previous step, you do not need to be on the machine running the PowerSchool SMS database. You upload reports using the PowerSchool SMS interface.

Uploading a report file:

Step 3: Set Report Filters

The Report Filters page allows you to specify filters for your report. The options available on this page are dynamically generated from the views you selected when you created your report in Crystal Reports.

In each view, you can select up to five of the available fields to act as filters for your report. When users run the report, these filters appear on the Reporting Options page, where they can enter specific values for the default filters or add other filters as they choose.

Note: You cannot set filters on dynamic properties in PowerSchool SMS. If you require your report to filter on a dynamic property, as in the case of viewing only active students, you must have added this filter in Crystal Reports prior to uploading the report to PowerSchool SMS.

Setting report filters:

Figure 335: Report filter

Step 4: Test run the report

Once you have created a custom report using the new data access views, you should perform a test run of the report using various filters and user IDs to ensure that the appropriate data is returned.

When you run the report, all of the views that were used to create the report are available for filtering. If a field in a view was selected as a filter when the report was uploaded to PowerSchool SMS, the panel for that view is open, and the filter is displayed on the Basic tab. However, you are not required to use only the filters chosen at design time. If a filter already exists for a view, you can add more filters for that view on the Detail tab. You can also expand the panels for other views and add filters for them.

Running the report:

Downloading custom reports

Download any report so that you can modify it.

Download the schema
Download custom report
Download the Pre-4.2 reports

Deleting custom reports

You can delete custom reports from PowerSchool SMS, assuming that your user account has Delete permissions for that report.

Deleting a report means that it is no longer available for users to run, and it is no longer on the PowerSchool SMS database server.

To delete a custom report:
To delete a Pre-4.2 custom report:

Reverting to an original report

If you have modified a report and added it to PowerSchool SMS, you can later choose to stop using the modified report and start using the original report again.

When you revert to the original report, the modified report remains on the PowerSchool SMS database server unless you clear it. The modified report is not used in PowerSchool SMS, but it is available for later use.

To revert to an original report:

Figure 336:

A To delete the modified report for the PowerSchool SMS database, click Clear.
B Click Built-in so that PowerSchool SMS uses the original report.

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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