| District setup > Report Writing > Report building using Crystal Reports

Report building using Crystal Reports

Once you have designed your report [>>], the process involves using the features available in SAP Crystal Reports to build your report.

Linking options

Once you have determined the specifications for a report, the process of building the report begins with creating connections between the various views the report is based on. It is extremely important that you give careful consideration to how you join views when you create your report.

Note: When a report created using the data access views is uploaded to PowerSchool SMS, it goes through a validation process that checks that the linking in the report has been done correctly. In the event that the report contains an illegal link, PowerSchool SMS displays a system message indicating the nature of the error.


Figure 323: Linking views

Figure 324: Relationship link

Linking Views

The first part of building a report involves connecting to the data, selecting your views, and linking them logically. For more information on linking views, see the SAP Crystal Reports User's Guide at http://help.sap.com/analytics and Reports using Database Tables [>>] for an example of using links in PowerSchool SMS

Adding and sorting fields

The first thing you should do when building your report is select the fields that you want to appear on the report canvas. You can select from any of the views you included in the linking step of the process. Then sort the fields. For more information, see the SAP Crystal Reports User's Guide at http://help.sap.com/analytics.

Adding groups and summaries

Grouping data in a report allows you to present your data in meaningful ways. You can group and summarize grouped data by any field in any of the views included in your initial linking, regardless of whether you have included the field in the report canvas. For more information, see the SAP Crystal Reports User's Guide at http://help.sap.com/analytics.

Adding query filters

Most of the filters for reports created using the data access views are added when the report is uploaded to PowerSchool SMS. However, if you wish to include query filters that cannot be changed by users or dynamic filters where the user is prompted to select values for the filter, you must set those particular filters when you create the report in Crystal Reports using the Select Expert. For more information, see the SAP Crystal Reports User's Guide at http://help.sap.com/analytics.

Note: All dynamic properties can be identified by the prefix D#.

Figure 325: Select Expert

Adding subreports

If you want to include secondary information in a report, you can insert a subreport. However, keep in mind that subreports put extra strain on resources and can significantly affect system performance. For more information about subreports, see the SAP Crystal Reports User's Guide at http://help.sap.com/analytics.

Adding print options

If you want to provide users with options to select at runtime, such as the ability to print a new page for each student, grade level, or school, or to add a legend to the bottom of the report, you can add parameters and formulas to your Crystal Report template that will display as preferences in the Report Options dialog.

Create parameters with static or dynamic prompts. See the SAP Crystal Reports User's Guide at http://help.sap.com/analytics.

Parameter naming convention
Applicable parameter types
Paging based on Parameter fields

Figure 326: Formula Workshop


With many reports, you may want to do some basic formatting, such as:

= adding page numbers and dates
= changing date and time formats
= adding and formatting text
= moving, resizing, or deleting fields and text objects
= positioning elements on the page

For detailed information on formatting reports, see the SAP Crystal Reports User's Guide at http://help.sap.com/analytics.

Adding Page Numbers, Dates, and Other Special Fields
Changing Date and Time Formats
Adding Text
Revising and Formatting Text Objects
Moving, Resizing, or Deleting Fields and Text Objects
Positioning Elements on the Page

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