| District setup > Report Writing > Reports using Database Tables

Reports using Database Tables

Important: This procedure applies to districts on PowerSchool SMS 7.4 and higher. If you have legacy PowerSchool SMS or custom reports from version 4.2 or earlier,and the data source for these reports is ADO.NET (XML), you must update the data source for these reports so that they are compatible with Crystal Reports 2008. See Knowledgebase article 60932 Crystal Reports 2008 - How to Update Your Data Source.

If desired, you can build your report by connecting directly to the tables in the PowerSchool SMS database. This type of report can be customized only by those with access to district setup.

Reports that are created by connecting directly to tables in the database can include any available records in PowerSchool SMS.

Naming Conventions

To build reports using a direct link to the tables, you should have a solid understanding of the naming conventions for the tables, fields, and keys in the database.

Note: Table and field names are in ALL CAPS.

Primary Keys
Foreign Keys


The tables in the database are independent entities. In a report, you must first specify the relationships between the relevant tables so that the report knows what path to take when it extracts information from the database. These connections are always formed by linking the primary key of one table to one of the foreign keys of the other table. The link looks like this:

One important thing to keep in mind when creating these links is where data is stored. Consider the example in [Figure 337]. A student’s demographic information is contained in the two tables CSL_STD_DEMO_DISTRICT and CSL_STD_DEMO_SCHOOL. To avoid replicating data, most of the fields are kept in the district table. That means that if you want to report on the student’s demographic information at the school level, you have to create a connection between these tables in order for that student’s name, birthdate, gender, etc. to be available in the report.

Figure 337: Connections

Creating Custom Reports (Database Tables)

With Crystal Reports, you can create many types of reports with varying levels of complexity.

Rather than repeating all of the information that is available in the Crystal Reports Online Help, this section summarizes how to create and modify a custom report based on the database tables. For detailed information, see the SAP Crystal Reports User's Guide at http://help.sap.com/analytics.

Note: Do not use the OLAP Wizard, which is suited to a different kind of database.

To illustrate the process, the following steps outline how to use the Standard Report Wizard to create a sample report [Figure 338] that:

= lists the students in the district, and provides the following details about each one: first name, last name, student number, and enrollment status.
= groups students by school.
= provides summaries of the total number of students in each school and the total number of students in the district.
= filters records to show only students who have a registration status of Registered.
Step 1: Preparation
Step 2: Start and connect a report to the data
Step 3: Select tables with the data you want
Step 4: Link the tables
Step 5: Add fields to the report
Step 6: Group information and add summaries
Step 7: Add filters
Step 8: Complete the formatting
Step 8: Add the report to PowerSchool SMS
Step 9: Test run the report in PowerSchool SMS

Figure 338: Sample report

Figure 339: Standard report wizard

A The title and appearance of this dialog depends on whether you are working with a blank report or one of the wizards.
B Use the OLE DB (ADO) data source to create custom reports using database tables.

Figure 340: Database connection

Figure 341: Links

Figure 342: Fields

Figure 343: Change order

Figure 344Group information

Figure 345Design tab

Modifying Custom Reports (Database Tables)

If you have an existing report built directly on the database tables in PowerSchool SMS that requires some slight modification, you can customize the existing report, rather than create a new one.

When you customize this type of report, you can add or delete fields, change the order of columns, create groups and summaries, add formatting – all of the same features you use when creating a report from scratch.

To customize any reports that you have already created, download the report [>>], modify it using Crystal Reports, and then add the revised report back into PowerSchool SMS [>>].

You can repeatedly modify a report. For example, after you add a modified report to PowerSchool SMS, you can download it and modify it further.

Later, if you want to remove the modified report, you can revert to the original report. For more general information, see Reverting to an original report [>>].

Note: You must always customize an existing report by downloading and modifying it. You cannot create a new report and add it to PowerSchool SMS in place of a built-in report.

Running Database Table reports at the school level

Certain data that schools may need to view (such as CDM data) cannot be accessed in a school-level report. To resolve this situation, there are two options: running the report at the district level, or providing district-level access to school users.

Option 1: Run the report at the district level
Option 2: Set up school users with district access to reports

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