| Student management > Programs > Applying to programs and enrolling in schools > Transferring students to schools where programs are offered

Transferring students to schools where programs are offered

If a student is enrolled in a school that does not offer the desired program and the district uses controlled enrollment, you can transfer the student to a different school where a program is offered.

Depending on how your district controls enrollment, you might only be able to enroll a student in one school at a time. The following table explains your enrollment options:

= Student can be active in more than one school - Enroll the student in the school where the program is offered, retaining the enrollment record in the current school.
= Student can be active in one school at a time - Withdraw the student from their current school and enroll in the school where the program is offered.

Note: If the school does not use controlled enrollment, assign the students to the program. See Assigning students to programs [>>]

To transfer individual students and assign them to programs:[DA][SA]

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