| Student management > Programs > Applying to programs and enrolling in schools > Offering positions in programs

Offering positions in programs

If students are placed in a queue that has eligibility rules or capacity limits, you must calculate the student's rank and queue status, and then offer positions in the program. If the queue has no eligibility rules or capacity limits, the student's queue status is automatically set to Offered. Offering a position in a program reserves space in the program for the student. The number of seats taken in the program is incremented for each student whose queue status is set to Offered.

Note:You can offer students a position in a program even if their eligibility status for the program is set to Ineligible. However, you can only assign a student to a program if both their program eligibility status is set to Eligible and their queue status is set to Offered.

Before you can offer students a position in a program, you must calculate their queue status and rank. You can only offer positions to students whose queue status is set to Waiting and whose rank is the highest in the queue. For more information about calculating queue status, see Calculating queue status [>>]. For more information about calculating ranks, see Calculating rank [>>].

You can select single or multiple students to offer positions to. If you select multiple students, they are offered positions in their rank order. You cannot offer a position to a student whose rank is lower than another student in the queue.

Note: If you are unable to offer a student a position in the program because other students have a higher calculated rank, and you have permission to override ranks, you can manually adjust the student's rank. For more information about overriding calculated ranks, see Assigning specific ranks [>>].

After you offer a student a position in a program, if a student who is eligible for the program is not enrolled in the school where the program is offered, enroll them in the school. For more information, see Enrolling students in schools [>>]. If the student is already enrolled in the school, you can assign them to the program, see Assigning students to programs [>>].

Note: If the school uses controlled enrollment and the Create AV Exception option is selected for the program, when you offer the student a position in the program, PowerSchool SMS automatically creates an address validation exception at the school for the student so you can enroll them in the school.

To offer a position in a program:[DA][SA]

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