| School setup > Program Management > Setting up district programs > Setting up classes for programs at the district or school

Setting up classes for programs at the district or school

When you enroll a student in a program, the student is not automatically scheduled into specific classes or homerooms. If you want to create classes specifically for students who are enrolled in a program, you can use class and homeroom constraints to restrict the class to students in that program. When students are scheduled, they are assigned to classes based on the defined constraint criteria. In addition, if you want to track instructional minutes for program attendance summaries, you must create a program constraint and specify that you want to include the attendance minutes for classes with that constraint. For more information, see Adding and editing student program details [>>].

Constraints can be created at the district or at the school [>>]. Constraints created at the district are available to all schools in the district. The school then has the option to apply the constraint to specific classes or homerooms or to modify a copy of the constraint. Schools cannot delete district-defined constraints. They can create their own constraints, as required.

PowerSchool SMS includes two types of constraints:

= Restriction constraints allow you to control the distribution of students in classes or homerooms according to a specific criteria. For example, you can create a math class for students enrolled in an academic enrichment program. Restriction constraints are available to schools using either elementary or secondary scheduling.
= Capacity Balancing constraints ensure that automated loading processes distribute students evenly among available classes based on certain criteria. For example, you may want to ensure that students in an ESL program are distributed among all Basic English classes rather than being grouped into one class. Capacity Balancing constraints are available only to schools using secondary scheduling.

The following examples illustrate how you might set up constraints for programs at the district. For detailed information about creating and editing constraints, see Scheduling [>>].

To work with district constraints, you need these permissions:


You need this permission

Set to

Add a constraint at the district School Setup > Define Constraints - School Edit or Delete [>>]
Delete a constraint at the district School Setup > Define Constraints - School Delete [>>]
Manually schedule a student who does not meet the constraint criteria into a class with a constraint School Setup > Override Constraints Yes [>>]

Example - Setting up an ESL constraint at a school using secondary scheduling

In this example, a district wants to balance students enrolled in their ESL program across all Basic English classes to avoid grouping the ESL students into a single class.

When classes are scheduled and students are loaded into classes using PowerSchool SMS automated process, such as the student loader, PowerSchool SMS distributes students in the ESL program across all basic English classes. For detailed information about setting up constraints at a secondary school, see Scheduling [>>].

This example assumes that the following tasks have been completed:

= The course catalog includes a Basic English course and is published to secondary schools in the district.
= An ESL program is created and assigned to schools in the district.
To create a class constraint for ESL English:[DA]

Figure 257: Course catalog

Figure 258: Define constraints (district view)

A To track instructional minutes for program attendance summaries, the class, or homeroom must be assigned a meeting pattern. For more information about assigning meeting patterns, see Scheduling [>>].


Figure 259: Select courses

Example - Setting up a remedial Math constraint at a school using elementary scheduling

In this example, a district offers remedial math classes to elementary school students and wants to restrict this class to students enrolled in the elementary math tutoring program.

After this constraint is added, when classes are created and students are assigned to homerooms and classes using automated processes, PowerSchool SMS only schedules students into this math class if they are assigned to the Elementary Math Tutoring program. For detailed information about setting up constraints at an elementary school, see Scheduling [>>].

This example assumes that the following tasks have been completed:

= The course catalog includes a remedial math subject and is published to elementary schools in the district.
= An elementary math tutoring program is created and assigned to schools in the district.
To create a class constraint for Remedial Math:[DA]

Figure 260: Course catalog

Figure 261: Define constraints (district view)

A To track instructional minutes for program attendance summaries, the class, or homeroom must be assigned a meeting pattern. For more information about assigning meeting patterns, see Scheduling [>>].

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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