| Year end > Year-End Processing > Preparing for Year-End Processing [district] > Review Year-End Processing pre-check

Review Year-End Processing pre-check

PowerSchool SMS enables the District Administrator to ensure that all schools are prepared for Year-End Processing [>>] and that there are no outstanding conditions that would prevent the successful completion of that process. The District Administrator cannot run Year- End Processing until any errors identified by PowerSchool SMS [>>] are corrected. If a school is not prepared, however, the District Administrator can override its unprepared status [>>] (in some cases) and proceed with Year-End Processing.

To review the Year‑End Processing Pre-Check [DA]:

Figure 429: Year-End Processing Pre-Check page, Pre-Check panel

A Schools: Enables the administrator to display all schools or only those not ready for year-end processing.


Figure 430: Year-End Processing Pre-Check page, District-Level Checklist panel

A Errors: Lists problems that would prevent PowerSchool SMS from running Year-End Processing. See also Pre-check errors and warnings [>>].. If an error is listed, the Run Year-End Processing... button is disabled.

Pre-check errors and warnings

On the Year-End Processing Pre-Check page [Figure 430], potential Errors and Warnings that PowerSchool SMS might display includes the following SQL messages (SQL Server execution messages that are not recognized are reported as errors).

= SQL-20011: Status Codes can only be added to a school that the student is enrolled in.
= ROLLBACK: [The entire exception is logged.]
= SQL-20020: Cannot add status code. Code conflicts with a withdrawal code on the same date.
= SQL-20046: School data is currently being replicated.
= SQL-20009: School data is currently being purged.
= SQL-20047: Withdrawal Status Date must be later than the date of the initial entry code for the student.
= SQL-20012: Status Date must be the same or later than the initial entry code for the student.
= SQL-20010: Invalid Status Code - will cause student to be actively enrolled in multiple schools.
= SQL-20016: Cannot delete the initial entry code for a student.
= SQL-20052: The student can only be active in a single school while the General Preference is set to one school at a time.
= SQL-20014: Cannot enroll the student into a school in which that student is already enrolled.
= SQL-20017: Student can only be enrolled with an Entry or Reentry status code.
= SQL-20044: The student is currently assigned a ''Not Registered'' status. You must complete the registration for the student before the student can be enrolled into a school.
= SQL-20050: The student is currently assigned a ''Graduated'' status. To enroll this student into an additional school the registration status of the student must be changed from ''Graduated'' to some other value.
= SQL-20035: Student cannot be enrolled. Student is already enrolled into the maximum number of allowable schools.
= SQL-20037: Student is too young to be enrolled into a school.
= SQL-200: [The entire exception is logged.]

Overriding a school's YEP Ready status

On the Year-End Processing Pre-Check page [Figure 429], PowerSchool SMS identifies schools that are not prepared for Year-End Processing (that is, the school's YEP Ready status is "No"). PowerSchool SMS lists the reasons for a school's status in the Exceptions column.

The District Administrator can override the unprepared status of a school if the Exception is one of the following:

= No calculated grades
= No credit calculations
= No cumulative GPA
= No current-year GPA
= No class rank
= Daily attendance code calculations incomplete
= No honor rolls
= Reports not printed

The District Administrator cannot override the unprepared status of a school if the Exception is one of the following:

= The promotion and graduation process is not complete [>>].
= A school has not created a planning calendar [>>].
= A secondary school has not selected a planning schedule [>>].
To override a school's YEP Ready status [DA]:

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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