| Introduction > Working with PowerSchool SMS > Moving around the system > Quick links to other pages

Quick links to other pages

Note: Quick links are available only when you are logged in with a school-level role, such as School Administrator, School Secretary, or Teacher.

For a page that you use frequently, or just want to recall, you have the option of bypassing normal navigation through your PowerSchool SMS system by creating a shortcut, or quick link, to that page.

You can create as many quick links as you need and name each as you see fit. Quick links you have created are available to your role [>>] from the Quick Links menu.

To use a quick link[SS, T, SA]:
To create a quick link [SS, T, SA]:

Displaying quick links on the home page

You can control the quick links [>>] displayed in the Quick Links section of your home page [Figure 7] [Figure 8]. You can also rename the quick links displayed and delete any of those you have created. Such customization is specific to the user account and role [>>] in which you are working when you create it; in other words, PowerSchool SMS preserves the customized home page and displays it when your user account is logged on and (if that account has more than one role available) that particular role is chosen.

To add a quick link to your home page: [SS, T, SA]

Figure 13: Customize Home Page page: Quick Links

A Quick link name: Enables you to name or rename a quick link selected under Quick Links on the home page.

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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