| School setup > Grading setup > Report Cards and Progress reports > Defining secondary report cards and progress reports

Defining secondary report cards and progress reports

[Applies to secondary schools only.]

PowerSchool SMS provides a generic report card template, which you can modify to meet your needs, or you can create a custom report card template.

Note: For instructions about how to update custom secondary report cards to use the new GPA/class rank reporting term functionality in PowerSchool SMS, contact Technical Support [>>].

At secondary schools, progress reports are set up just like, but separately from, report cards. As with report cards, each grade level can have only one progress report.

The grade levels you can choose from are defined on the Grade Levels Setup page.For information about grade levels, see Grade level setup [>>].

You can specify the columns and headings you want to show on the report cards and progress reports, as well as the order in which you want courses to display. In addition, you can specify which current year GPAs to show on report cards.

Although transcript setup is not directly tied to grading setup, an accurate transcript is the ultimate goal of all secondary grading. At the same time that report cards are set up, set up transcript settings and columns as appropriate for your school. For more information about setting up transcripts at the school level, see Setting up transcripts [>>].

Setting up report card and progress report options[SA]

Figure 223: Report card/progress report

Figure 224: Report card/progress report elements

Cumulative Absences typically indicate absences during the selected grading period. However, if you add only one Cumulative Absences column and it is in the last grading period, the column indicates absences during the entire year.

Attendance numbers for a course only appear on the report card if the course appears on the report card.

Therefore, if a student transfers between courses, the report card displays both courses - and absences in them - only if the student receives a grade for both courses. Similarly, if a student withdraws, the report card displays the course - and absences in it - only if the student receives a grade for the course.

Sorting courses on report cards and progress reports[SA]
Defining report card GPAs, columns, and headers[SA]

Figure 225: GPA setup

Figure 226: Report Card columns

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