| Customizing a system > Controlling access to custom schema and pages > Displaying custom schemas and pages > Custom page permissions

Custom page permissions

When a District Administrator creates a custom page, the page name appears as a permission [>>] on the Edit Base Role and Edit Roles pages [>>], under the appropriate permissions category. Custom page permissions function in the same manner as built-in page permissions and can be changed for each role as required.

By default, access to use custom pages is set as follows:

= District administrators and district health professionals can add, edit, and delete pages.
= School administrators and school health professionals can add and edit pages.
= School secretaries and teachers can view pages.

District and school health professionals receive these default permissions because the permissions are based on the District Administrator and School Administrator base roles [>>], respectively. However, depending on the feature areas [>>] being customized, the default permissions may not be appropriate. When customization is complete, check the permissions for each new page and change the permissions as required [>>].

For custom panels, permissions are based on the existing permissions for the page to which the panels are added. For example, if a role has the Edit permission for the Add/Edit Incident page, that role will also have Edit permission for any custom panels added to that page.

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