| Year end > Year-end follow-up > Connecting to the Historical Database

Connecting to the Historical Database

After Year-End Processing [>>], the PowerSchool SMS system works with the Active Database. It has stored the old Active Database as the Historical Database in the location you specified in an earlier step [see Create a shell to hold the Historical Database >>]. To enable you to adjust historical information and run reports [>>] on the Historical Database, you must set up PowerSchool SMS to connect to the Historical Database.

To set up access to a Historical Database [DA]:

It is possible to have the Historical and Active databases running on the same server. However, we do not recommend this setup because any work with the Historical Database (such as reporting, data mapping, or access by large numbers of users) can diminish the performance of the Active Database. Indeed, we recommend that when the Historical Database is not being used the District Administrator stop Replication and Task Manager services.

To set up access to a Historical Database on the same server as the Active Database: [DA]


Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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