| School setup > School calendar setup > Exception days

Exception days

An exception day is any interruption in the pattern of default day type assignments; for example, a snow day (a day on which the school is closed due to heavy snowfall) or when the Thanksgiving Day holiday falls on a Friday (this particular Friday would be designated an exception day). Since PowerSchool SMS assigns day types to all the days of the week in a school calendar (using the default day types), you assign an exception day to a specific date or date ranges as necessary. When you designate a specific date as an exception, you assign it a day type, typically "Holiday".

Note: When you designate exception days with Holiday or Weekend base day types, existing Weekend days, as based on your school calendar start and end dates and the default day type settings, are retained. Only Normal School Day types are updated with the new exception day.

Note: When you designate exception days with a Normal base day type, existing Weekend and Holidays are overwritten. This is useful when scheduling exception days, such as Make Up days, on a Saturday or Sunday, where you want the Make Up days counted as Normal school days, not Weekend or Holiday days.

Note: If you plan to designate the current day or a past day as an exception day, you must select a day that has the same base day type as the day to which you want to apply this exception day; so that all the periods for both days match for any attendance that might have been taken.

Note: At a school that employs secondary school scheduling in a relative day pattern, when you create an exception day, you must specify when you want this exception day to begin; that is, you must specify where you want to insert this exception day into your school schedule.

To assign an exception day to a day [SA]:

Bell schedules and an exception day

At a school that employs secondary school scheduling and a relative day pattern [>>], it may be necessary to set the bell schedule for an exception day. Note: Data mapping [>>] relies on consistent bell schedules.

To set the bell schedule for an exception day [SA]:

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