CIITS Resources & Materials
In an effort to fully integrate Kentucky's Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System (CIITS) use in Kentucky classrooms, schools and districts, and ensure districts meet Race to the Top performance measures, the following professional learning opportunities are available. Workshop details can be found in the CIITS Workshop Catalog.
On-Demand, Online Training Modules
To accommodate the busy schedules of Kentucky educators and maximize resources, KDE is offering on-demand, online training for teachers as well as school and district leaders and administrators on a variety of topics.
- On-demand modules are organized by role under the tabs labeled Training for Teachers or Training for Administrators and Leadership.
- Training modules have been scheduled to coordinate with the instructional calendar and give users time to practice what they've learned before moving on to the next training module.
- Follow-up webcasts and Interactive Q & A forums are designed to "close the loop" on learning and give participants an opportunity to ask questions or troubleshoot any issues they may have encountered.
Module Content:
- District Curriculum: Creating and Publishing District Instructional Materials
- Common Assessments: Item bank, creating items, creating & administering tests
- Instructional Tools for Teachers: Instructional Materials, Lesson Planner, Student Groups
- Classroom Assessments: Item bank, creating items, creating & administering tests
- Classroom Data Analysis for Teachers: Classroom Assessment Monitor, Classrooms Module Reporting
- Data Analysis for School & District Leadership: KPIs, Benchmark Dashboard, Report Bank, Report Builder
Modules may be completed in any order but sessions within a module should be taken in sequence. Users may revisit the modules and resources as often as they like. Note the Classroom Assessments and Common Assessment workshops cover the same content offered in face-to-face and online sessions earlier this year.
Self-Directed Learning
Most module materials and related tutorial videos are already posted under the Training for Teachers Tab and Training for Administrators and Leadership Tab for those who wish to take advantage of self-directed learning.
Contract Training and Content Loading
Districts/co-ops or others who wish to go beyond training offered above may contract for training directly with our CIITS vendor, Pearson/Schoolnet. Instructor-Led Online Training, Face-to-Face End-User Workshops and Face-to-Face Capacity-Building Workshops are available for teachers and/or administrators and leaders on a variety of CIITS topics. Workshop descriptions and topics covered can be found in the CIITS Workshop Catalog. To request a workshop or for prices, please consult the workshop request form below.
Content-Loading Option: Schoolnet/Pearson also offers services to support districts with content loading (including items and curriculum materials).
Please NOTE: requests for contract training or content loading will be handled directly by the CIITS vendor,
Pearson/Schoolnet and will be fulfilled on the basis of when the completed request is received.
All requests should be submitted in accordance with the directions on the form.
CIITS training and content loading is a qualified expense for Race to the Top funding.