| Scheduling > Common scheduling tasks > Set constraints

Set constraints

[Applies to elementary [>>] and secondary school scheduling.]

Constraints enable you to control the PowerSchool SMS automatic scheduler's distribution of students in classes (and, in an elementary school, homerooms) by setting eligibility criteria. For example, using constraints you can limit the class size of a science lab, set up an all-girl physical education class, or ensure a homeroom has only one student for whom English is a second language.

You can apply two types of constraints:

= Restriction: Controls the distribution of students in classes according to specific criteria. For example, you can ensure that at least 10 percent of the students in a class are girls or restrict a class to students for whom English is their second language.
= Capacity Balance: Ensures that the automatic scheduler distributes students evenly among available classes based on certain criteria. For example, you can specify that students whose ethnicity is "African American" be distributed evenly among all available classes. Characteristics you can balance across classes include:

Age (current)

Federal ethnicity category


Geocode (active)

Geocode (planning)

Grade level (current)

Note: This type of constraint applies only where automatic scheduling is employed; it does not apply when you assign students one by one to a class.

Note: When creating student schedules, the Student Loader only considers constraints if the Use Capacity Balancing Constraints or Use Restriction Constraints option is selected on the Student Loader Options page [see Set student loader options >>].

A District or School Administrator can define a constraint [>>]. As a School Administrator, you apply a constraint to a specific class or homeroom [>>]. Where a homeroom or class has constraints applied, PowerSchool SMS evaluates each student against the constraints' eligibility criteria at the time you assign a student to that class or homeroom. If the student does not meet the eligibility criteria, PowerSchool SMS displays an error message.

Note: A District Administrator can define a constraint for a custom field [>>]. For this constraint to apply, the setting for the Override Constraints permission must be No [>>].

Caution: To ensure accurate results when PowerSchool SMS calculates student eligibility, make sure student information is complete. When PowerSchool SMS processes an eligibility criterion that references a field that is empty, the student meets the criterion only if that criterion employs the "is empty" operator (that is, with any other operator PowerSchool SMS considers the return on that field as false). For example, if a student's Date of Birth field is empty, PowerSchool SMS would evaluate the following criterion as true: "age is empty". However, PowerSchool SMS would evaluate the following criterion as false: "age does not equal 12".

Applying a constraint

Once it is defined [>>], you can apply a constraint to a specific class or homeroom in one of several ways

= To all classes created for a course [secondary] or subject and/or to all homerooms [elementary]
In this case, you can set the constraint(s) strength to be default, optional, or mandatory for the specified subjects or homerooms [see also Defining a constraint >>].
= To a specific class
= To a specific homeroom [elementary only]

Note: While defining a constraint, you can also apply it to courses [>>].

To apply a constraint: [SA]

Figure 390: Constraints page

Figure 391: Apply Constraint page

A Constraint description: An example of Type is "Restriction". Strength can be "Available", "Default", or "Mandatory".
B Selected classes: This option is available if the constraint is available to subjects or a default [>>]. This option is not available if the constraint is mandatory for the subject.
C Selected homerooms: This option is available only if the constraint is available to homerooms [>>]. This option is not available if the constraint is mandatory for homerooms.
To apply a constraint to a specific class: [SA]

Defining a constraint

A District Administrator defines a constraint, which is then available to all schools in the district. A School Administrator can modify a district-level constraint for use at a school; PowerSchool SMS creates a school-level definition of the constraint (without modifying the district-level version).

To define a constraint: [SA,DA]

Figure 392: Constraint Eligibility Criteria building example

A Criterion builder: Click Add Criteria to add the criterion to the Eligibility Criteria.

Figure 393: Criterion function example

A Search By: When a function is selected, you can specify conditions under Where the following conditions apply. Select an operator and a value to complete the criterion.

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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