| Reporting on information > Managing reports

Managing reports

The administrator of a PowerSchool SMS system can monitor the reports installed on that system using the report PowerSchool SMS List of Reports. This report is included in the PowerSchool SMS Report Package [>>]. The PowerSchool SMS List of Reports lists every report that is displayed on the Reports page, including custom reports, built-in reports, and those not available to run. For each report, the PowerSchool SMS List of Reports displays the version installed and the first compatible build.

Note: To run any report in the PowerSchool SMS Report Package [>>], the first time you upload the Report Package you must also upload the PowerSchool SMSList of Reports. This report contains a shared stored procedure used by all report package reports.

To view the PowerSchool SMS List of Reports: [SS, SA, DA]

Figure 143: PowerSchool SMS List of Reports example

A Report category: These are the same categories that PowerSchool SMS displays to users on the District or Reports page.

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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