| Import/Export > Exporting data using custom templates

Exporting data using custom templates

General export functionality is available that allows you to use export templates designed for the requirements of a particular district, school, or user. To export data, perform the following tasks:

1 Select the custom export template you want to use for your export. For information about creating export templates, see Creating a custom export template [>>].
2 Set filters to select the data you want to export. For further information see Setting custom export filters [>>]
3 Set the time frame in which you want the export to occur and specify in what format you want to export the data. See Scheduling a custom export and selecting output options [>>].

Setting custom export filters

Default filters are created when the custom export template is built. You can further define these filters using operators, such as is less than or equals, to specify the parameters for your export.

To set export filters:

Figure 386: Export options

Figure 387: Search options

A Select All Criteria to export only records that match all of the criteria you specify.
B Select Any Criteria to export records that match any of the criteria you specify.

Scheduling a custom export and selecting output options

You can specify when you want the export to occur. If you schedule an export to run immediately, the export results are generated and displayed in the specified output format. Available output formats are:

= Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf)
= Crystal Reports (*.rpt)
= Microsoft Excel (*.xls)
= Microsoft Word (*.doc)
= Rich Text (*.rtf)
= Comma-separated values (*.csv)
= Tab-delimited text (*.txt)
= Plain text (*.txt)

Once the export is complete, you can save the results from the open browser window.

If you schedule an export to run at a predefined time, a task for that export is inserted into the PowerSchool SMS Task Manager to be run at the appropriate time. When the export is complete, it can be retrieved through the Exports link under Scheduled Events on the Quick Search page [Figure 388].

To schedule an export and specify output options:

Figure 388: Scheduled events

Managing custom exports

Completed exports can be viewed and deleted using the Export Management page.

To manage custom exports:

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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