| Import/Export > Creating a custom export template

Creating a custom export template

To create a custom export template using Views and add it to PowerSchool SMS, you need:

= Crystal Reports
= the name of the server that the PowerSchool SMS data access database is on
= a user ID and password for the PowerSchool SMS data access database
= the name of the PowerSchool SMS data access database

Creating an export template involves connecting to the database, selecting your Views, and linking them logically.

To illustrate the process of creating a custom export template, these sections provide an example of how you would create a sample export that provides the last name, first name, birthdate, gender, and ethnic category for all students in a school.

Connecting to the database

To access the data for an export template, you need to connect to the database. You do this by specifying the server and database name in Crystal Reports, which allows you to use Data Access Views. You then use Views to access and link the appropriate tables so that you can select the fields you need to export from.

To connect to the database:[DA]

Figure 376: Create new connection

A Use the OLE DB (ADO) data source to create custom templates using Views.

Figure 377: Database Expert

A Database to which you are connected.
B Click here to expand the window and see the entire database name.

Linking views

Typically, data being exported comes from multiple tables. This means the associated Views must be linked together to ensure all required data is exported. Linking is a drag and drop procedure in which you drag the ID field from one View and drop it on the ID field in another, creating a link between the two.

The first step of the process is to determine the View that the entire template will be based on. This View is known as the Root View. All the links between Views move outward from this Root View.

To ensure your template will work as expected, the following rules must be adhered to while setting up your links:

= One and only one View (the root view) must have only outgoing links and no incoming links.
= View links must not form any circular path (a path that starts at one view and leads back to the same view). If necessary, you can create a copy of a View that you have already used and create an alias for it. This allows you to continue moving in a linear path. For further information, see Report Writing [>>].
= Links between Views must only be made on valid ID fields.
= The maximum number of links allowed from one View to another is two; one for the ID link and one for the QUID (QueryID) link.

The following procedures illustrate how you would link Views to create a sample export template to export the last name, first name, birthdate, gender, and ethnic category for all students in a school.

To link views:[DA]

Figure 378: Selecting views

A Views
B To remove a View from the SE

Figure 379: Links tab

A Every View in the database has an ID field that allows queries to be generated. All query IDs are called QUID.

Figure 380: View

Note: In this example, DA_School is the root view.

A This is a special ID field, used to link related Views.
B Query ID.
C This is an intersection Data Access View, used to link views that are not already automatically linked. The view contains only the primary IDs of both views.

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