| District setup > Health Tracking setup > Setting up health tracking at the district > Setting up immunization rules

Setting up immunization rules

Immunizations include any type of medication provided to students to ward against infection by common viruses and other diseases.

Immunizations can be “required” or “recommended”. If an immunization is required, rules must be defined. Immunization rules specify when students are required to fulfill immunization requirements.

A PowerSchool SMS nightly task calculates student immunization compliance. When a change occurs, such as a student’s age changes, the next dose due date for an immunization has passed, or a rule is changed, the nightly task recalculates compliance. Students who do not comply with the immunization rules are assigned a provisional enrollment status and an alert is sent to the appropriate user at the student’s home school.

Before you set up immunization rules, make sure the immunization Setup Lists contain the list items required. For more information about Setup Lists and Setup List Pairs, see Ensure consistent data [>>]. For information about Setup Lists for Health Tracking, see Setting up provisional enrollment [>>].

Adding and editing immunizations

When you add an immunization, you enter a name and description of the immunization and indicate whether it is required. If the immunization is required, enter the requirements.

To add or edit an immunization:[DA]

Setting up immunization requirements

When you select the Required checkbox on the Add/Edit Immunization page, the Dose Administrator Rules panel opens [Figure 349], which enables you to specify the rules to be used to determine if a student has met all the requirements for the immunization.

Note: If, at a later time, you want to make an immunization recommended rather than required, you can do so by deselecting the Required checkbox on the Add/Edit Immunization page. The dose administration rules you created will be hidden, but not deleted, on the student Immunizations page Required tab and visible on the student Immunizations page Recommended tab. Later, if you want to make this immunization required again, simply select the Required checkbox and your dose rules will reappear on the student Immunizations page Required tab and disappear from the student Immunizations page Recommended tab.

To set up immunization requirements:[DA]

Figure 349: Dose Administrator Rules

Creating dose administration rules

When an immunization is required, create a dose administration rule. Dose administration rules are based on students’ ages and help you determine when immunization doses are required. When you create a dose rule, you specify the age range to which the rule applies. To determine when (or if) a dose is necessary, the dose administration calculation looks at the student's current age and looks at the rules for the student’s current age range, then calculates the due date for the dose.

To define dose administration rules:[DA]

Figure 350: Add/Edit Immunization Dose Rule

Copying immunization rules

If you need to set up multiple immunizations that have the same rules, copy the immunization rules from one immunization to another. You can also copy rules that have the same rule structure and then just make any necessary adjustments.

To copy immunization rules, first create a “target” immunization record i.e., the immunization record to which you want to copy the immunization rules. When this record is created, open the immunization you want to copy from and copy the information to the target immunization record.

Note: A copied rule replaces any rules that have been defined previously for the target immunization.

To copy immunization rules:[DA]

Changing the display order of immunizations

You can change the order in which immunizations appear on the Quick Entry page and the student Immunizations page. (For information about these pages, see Health tracking at the school [>>].)

To change the display order of immunizations:[DA]

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