| District setup > Health Tracking setup > Setting up health tracking at the district > Setting up provisional enrollment

Setting up provisional enrollment

The provisional enrollment status is used to detect and control students who have not fulfilled all immunization or health examination requirements. If a student has not complied with the immunization requirements defined through the immunization rules or with health examination requirements or recommendations, the student is assigned a provisional enrollment status. If the student does not receive the required immunization or examination within the time allowed for the provisional enrollment grace period, they are considered non-compliant and can be removed from the school.

When a student is assigned a provisional enrollment status, an alert is sent to the school secretary and the school health professional at the student’s home school. Depending on whether the student is delinquent in their immunizations or health examinations, PowerSchool SMS sends either the Immunization Non-Compliance alert or the Health Examination Non-Compliance alert. You define the frequency that these alert messages are sent to recipients when you set up provisional enrollment.

The School Administrator can change the alert configuration and message, as required. For more information, see Alerts [>>].

Health alerts are only sent to users with roles based on the School Secretary or School Health Professional base roles. If a user without either of these roles wants to receive health alerts, you must create a role based on one of these roles and assign it to the user. For more information about roles, see Set up log on accounts [>>].

PowerSchool SMS calculates provisional enrollment status for immunizations based on the following criteria:

= The student has not completed the immunization requirements on the day an immunization is overdue or on the first day of the school year, whichever is later.
= The student has exceeded the number of days in which they were to complete the immunization.

You can override a provisional enrollment status for immunizations or examinations by adjusting the Provisional Enrollment Grace Period date for individual students.

To set up provisional enrollment:[DA]

Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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