| School setup > Permanent Record setup > Transcript setup > Setting up grade items for historical courses

Setting up grade items for historical courses

[Applies to secondary schools only.]

The district defines much of the information that appears on transcripts [Figure 233]. However, each school needs to customize historical information and transcripts in these ways:

= Identify all the grade items that can be collected for historical courses at the school. Grade items are anything related to a course that you can collect a grade for, such as a semester 1 grade, a semester 2 grade, a final grade, a semester 1 exam, and a semester 2 exam. You can define up to 12 grade items; however, you can display only 4 grade items on transcripts unless a custom transcript report is created for your district.
= Identify which grade items appear on transcripts by linking your grade items to the transcript columns the district created. The district can create up to four columns. Be sure to define and link a grade item to each one. The only grade items that will show on transcripts are the ones linked to transcript columns.
= Determine whether each grade item awards credit.
= Determine whether each grade item is used in cumulative GPAs.

Before you customize your school transcripts, ensure the district has named the transcript columns.

Set up transcript columns:[SA]

Figure 233: Transcript example

Figure 234: Transcript columns

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