| School setup > Permanent Record setup > Setting up calculation time restrictions and schedules

Setting up calculation time restrictions and schedules

[Applies to secondary schools only.]

Configure time restrictions to ensure district-wide or school-wide cumulative GPA and credit calculations only run on certain days and/or at certain times. Time restrictions allow you to limit running system-intensive calculations to times when few or no users are logged on to PowerSchool SMS.

Schedule district cumulative GPA and credits calculations to run once on a particular date at a specified time, or set the calculations to run automatically on a recurring basis. If you've configured time restrictions, these restrictions are visible when you create the schedule so that you can avoid scheduling calculations during restricted time periods.

Important Note: - It is strongly recommended that you schedule a recurring cumulative GPA and credit calculation that runs every night. This recurring calculation will ensure student's cumulative GPAs and credits are up to date every day.

Setting up calculation time restrictions for Permanent Record

The calculation time restrictions you create here apply when cumulative GPA and credits are calculated for all students in the district or all students in a school.

To set up a calculation time restriction:[DA]

Scheduling GPA and credit calculations

You can set up one time or recurring cumulative GPA and credit calculations that run for all students in the district.

Important Note: It is highly recommended that you schedule a recurring cumulative GPA and credit calculation that runs every night. This recurring calculation will ensure student cumulative GPAs and credits are up to date every day.

Note: Any time you import grades and/or if your district uses PowerTeacher gradebook, ensure you manually run calculations after every import. See Running Permanent Record calculations [>>].

When you run a scheduled calculation, it can have one of these statuses:

= In progress - the calculation is running.
= Scheduled - the calculation has been scheduled to run on a recurring basis.
= Failed - the calculation was unsuccessful.
= Completed - the recurring calculation completed successfully.

Note: When a one-time calculation completes successfully, it no longer appears on the Schedule Permanent Record Calculations page.

If time restrictions for running calculations exist, a Time Restrictions panel appears on the Define Schedule page and displays the day, start time, and end time to which the restriction applies.

To schedule a calculation:[DA]

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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