[Applies to secondary schools only.]
Use the historical transcript summary page to enter and edit information, such as the student's graduation date, cumulative GPA, total absences, total credits, and so on, for all historical years.
Historical transcript summary information is used in cumulative GPA calculations. If historical summary information is not available, cumulative GPAs are calculated using historical year data. See Entering historical transcript year records [>>].
1 | Open a student record. |
2 | In the control bar, click Historical. The Historical page appears. |
3 | Under Graduation Information, click Edit. |
4 | Under Graduation Information, enter or edit the following information: |
= | Program Type: The program type; for example "Accelerated" or "Regular". |
= | High School Enrollment Date: The date the student entered high school. |
= | Graduation Date: If applicable,the official date the student graduated from high school. |
= | Coursework Completion Date: The date the student actually completed all coursework - but not necessarily the tests - required for graduation. |
= | Graduation Status: PowerSchool SMS automatically populates this field when the student graduates from your district. |
= | Grant Eligibility: Select Yes or No to indicate whether the student is eligible for grants. Eligibility is usually associated with the program type taken by the student. For example, students in the Accelerated Program Type may be eligible, while students in the Regular Program Type may not be. |
= | Total Absences: The number of daily absences the student had in all historical school years. |
= | Total Credits: The total number of credits (Earned, State, and Local) the student could have earned for all courses the student attempted in all historical school years. This value is not used for cumulative GPAs [Figure 83]. |
= | Cumulative GPA: The student's weighted and unweighted GPA for all historical school years [Figure 83]. |
= | Potential Credits for Cumulative GPA: The potential credits (Weighted and Unweighted ) for historical school year courses that are to be included in cumulative GPA calculations [Figure 83].. The difference between these fields and Total Credits - Potential is that the credits you enter here are the total potential credits for historical courses that are to be used in the cumulative GPA only, whereas the numbers in Total Credits - Potential include credit for all courses the student attempted. Note: If this field is blank, cumulative GPA calculations use the yearly historical GPA values - not the Total Credits value. |
= | Total Points: Depending on what you use for your cum GPA calculations, you can enter either total grade points or percentage points (Weighted and Unweighted) in this field. Values entered here are used only when calculating cumulative GPAs using the simple average formula [Figure 83].. |
= | Total Number of Grades: This number is intended to take into account only the number of grades (Weighted and Unweighted) for courses that were to be counted in the cumulative GPA calculation. Values entered here are used only when calculating cumulative GPAs using the simple average formula [Figure 83].. |
5 | Click OK. |
Figure 83: Graduation information
A | Total Credits - Potential: Enter the total number of credits the student could have earned for all courses the student attempted in all historical school years. This value is not used for cumulative GPAs. |
Earned: Enter the total number of credits the student actually earned in all historical school years.
State: Enter the total number of credits the student earned for state courses in all historical school years.
Local: Enter the total number of credits the student earned for local courses in all historical school years.
B | Cumulative GPA: |
Unweighted: Enter the student's unweighted GPA for all historical school years.
Weighted: Enter the student's weighted GPA for all historical school year.
C | Potential Credits for Cumulative GPA: Enter the potential credits for historical school year courses that are to be included in cumulative GPA calculations. The difference between these fields and Total Credits - Potential is that the credits you enter here are the total potential credits for historical courses that are to be used in the cumulative GPA only, whereas the numbers in Total Credits - Potential include credit for all courses the student attempted. Note: If this field is blank, cumulative GPA calculations use the yearly historical GPA values - not the Total Credits value. |
Unweighted: Enter the total number of unweighted potential credits the student could earn for his or her cumulative GPA.
Weighted: Enter the total number of weighted potential credits the student could earn for his or her cumulative GPA.
D | Total Points: Depending on what you use for your cum GPA calculations, you can enter either total grade points or percentage points in this field. Values entered here are used only when calculating cumulative GPAs using the simple average formula. |
Unweighted: Enter the total number of unweighted points the student earned in all historical school years.
Weighted: Enter the total number of weighted points the student earned in all historical school years
E | Total Number of Grades: This number is intended to take into account only the number of grades for courses that were to be counted in the cumulative GPA calculation. Values entered here are used only when calculating cumulative GPAs using the simple average formula. |
Unweighted: Enter the total number of unweighted grades for the student in all historical school years.
Weighted: Enter the total number of weighted grades for the student in all historical school years.
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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com
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