| School setup > Grading setup > Report Cards and Progress reports > Defining elementary report cards and progress reports

Defining elementary report cards and progress reports

[Applies to elementary schools only]

At elementary schools, you can use the same design for progress reports and report cards or you can create a different design for progress reports with different report elements. In addition, if initially you have a different progress report than report card, and then later choose to use the same design for both, the progress report, with all its report elements, is deleted and only the report card is used.

The rules for report cards also apply to progress reports; therefore, each grade level can be assigned only one progress report and one report card.

The grade levels you can choose from are defined on the Grade Levels Setup page. For information about grade levels, see Grade level setup [>>].

Note: Subjects and subject elements come from the subject framework. To set up a subject framework, see Scheduling an elementary school [>>].

Working with elementary progress reports

When you create report cards, you automatically create identical progress reports. You can make the progress report different from the report card by:

= Entering different Overall Report Card Period Comments
= Selecting different Grading Tables for subjects, elements, skills, and measures
= Creating different sections, headers, footers, and descriptions

You can also change the common elements, such as Grading Table Legend, Attendance Summary Parent Guardian Comment, and the Signature Area for all progress reports. See Selecting common report card elements [>>].

You cannot change the subjects, elements, measures, and skills of a progress report and/or change the order of these items. They must be exactly the same as the report card. However, you can remove a subject, element, measure, or skill from the progress report by setting its Grading Table to None.

Selecting common report card elements

For elementary report cards and progress reports, you can have common elements, such as signatures and attendance summaries, appear on all the school's report cards and progress reports.

These common elements apply even if you set up multiple report cards for different grade levels.

To select common report card elements:[SA]

Figure 227: Common elements

Creating elementary report cards/progress reports

Once you have defined the common elements that you want to appear on all report cards, you are ready to create the report card/progress report template. Each grade level at your school can be assigned only one progress report and one report card

To add or edit a report card/progress report:[SA]

Figure 228: Progress report content

Figure 229: Report card content

Defining report content[SA]
To change the order of grading elements, such as subjects, elements, and measures (report card only):[SA]

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