| Customizing a system > Controlling access to custom schema and pages > Understanding custom Extension schema searches

Understanding custom Extension schema searches

When a District Administrator adds a field to a schema, that field is automatically added to the search functionality [>>], allowing users to search the custom data. Where the custom fields in a custom Extension schema [>>] are accessible in a search control depends on whether the custom Extension schema was created from a Built-in or Child schema.

If the custom Extension schema was created from a Built-in schema, when the user selects the "Generic" category on the Detail tab of the search control, the fields in the Extension schema are available from the second drop-down list.

If the custom Extension schema was created from a Child schema, the Child schema name appears in the Category field on the Detail tab of the search control. When the user selects the Child schema from the Category drop-down list, the Extension schema fields become available for selection.

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