| Student management > Viewing student information > Queries > Building a query

Building a query

Building a query [>>] involves selecting columns from one or multiple PowerSchool SMS database schemas, and then selecting the fields that contain the data you want to display [Figure 48]. Based on your selections, PowerSchool SMS builds a grid of columns that display the data for the fields you specify. You can create queries that look for data across the district or data for a specific school. When there are many queries, you can organize them into categories [>>]. Note: A District Administrator can build queries for use across the district. With the appropriate permissions set by the district [>>], a School Administrator can build queries for his or her school.

Filters [>>] can be applied to queries, further refining the results the query will produce. You can set query properties so that users of the query are prompted to select the filter when they run the query [Figure 49].

To build a query:

Figure 48: Building a Query

A Schemas.

Figure 49: Query properties

A Name: Enter a query name that will make it easy for users to distinguish this query from others.

Managing query categories

If you have many queries and need to keep them organized, you can create categories [Figure 50], and then group the queries into these categories.

To add a query category:

Figure 50: Manage Categories

A Click to add a new category.

Adding a query to the Query menu

You can add up to 20 predefined queries to the Query menu.

To add a query to the Query menu:

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Email: smssupport@powerschool.com

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