| District setup > Alerts setup > Supporting mobile alerting

Supporting mobile alerting

For a user at a school to be able to subscribe to a mobile alert [>>], a District Administrator and system administrator must set up the PowerSchool SMS system to support the sending of "SMS" (simple messaging service) text messages. This involves:

= Specifying the SMTP server from which the messages are sent.
= Setting the Web Server.
= Adding mobile phone information to applicable user account.

You may also need to update the Mobile Server Provider setup list [see Mobile Service Provider setup list >>]. Note: The designated mobile service provider may charge users for text messages received from PowerSchool SMS. Contact the service provider for further information.

When PowerSchool SMS sends a mobile alert, it uses a sender address that is exclusive to mobile alerts: "[District name]@Chancery.SMS.com", where [District name] is equal to the contents of the database field "CLS_DIS_DISTRICT_INFO.NAME".

To support mobile alerts on a system:

Always Learning
Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com