| Student management > Student records > Student record: Enrollments

Student record: Enrollments

This page of a student record displays the student’s enrollment [>>] history, that is, each district school in which the student is or was enrolled. A School Administrator records enrollment. Core information includes:

= Current home school: The school the student currently attends for regular classroom instruction.
= Zoned school (projected): The school the student is expected to attend in the following school term, based on the Projected school map or on a system that employs address validation [>>], the school in the student’s designated zone according to her home address, grade level, and the Geocode map [>>]. Displays N/A for those students in grade 12 and where no planning calendar exists.
= Requested school: The school requested for the upcoming school year. This may or may not be the zoned school. On a system that employs Program Management, see Configure student enrollment in a program's sessions [>>]
= Projected grade level [see Projected grade levels >>]

For information pertaining to Enrollment History, see Enrolling a student in another school [>>].

Enrollment information pertaining to Program Management includes:

= Program: Where a school employs one or more programs to control enrollment, this is the controlled enrollment program in which the student has been offered a position [see Configure student enrollment in a program's sessions >>]. When initially enrolling a student, the administrator can select one of the programs offered by the school.
= Session: Where a school employs one or more programs to control enrollment, this is the controlled enrollment program session in which the student has been offered a position [see Configure student enrollment in a program's sessions >>]. When initially enrolling a student, the administrator can select a session appropriate to the selected program based on the school calendar and the Start date.
= Queue: Where a district employs one or more programs to control enrollment, this is the controlled enrollment program session queue in which the student is positioned. When initially enrolling a student, the administrator can select a queue that is appropriate to the selected session.
= Program status: Where a district employs one or more programs to control enrollment, this is the student’s status in the controlled enrollment program [see Configure student enrollment in a program's sessions >>].
= Program override reason: Where a district employs one or more programs to control enrollment, this indicates the reason an ineligible student is enrolled in a program [see Configure student enrollment in a program's sessions >>].

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