| Student management > Student records > Student record: Demographics > Student Demographics: Address/Phone

Student Demographics: Address/Phone

The information on this Student Demographics page [>>] tab includes the following:

= Phone numbers panel: The format in which PowerSchool SMS displays phone numbers depends on the administrator’s choice: four-field (that is, dialing prefix, area code, number, extension) or one-field. One-field accepts the international phone number format, for example, "011+44+1224+555-4432".

Note: When you change a student’s home phone number, and that phone number is the same as that of other family member(s) [>>], PowerSchool SMS gives you the option of copying the new phone number to the other family member(s).

Place: The location of the phone, such as home or office.

Pref.: Where several phone numbers are available, the ranking in terms of preference.

Listing: Indicates if the number is listed or unlisted.

Type: The type of phone such as cellular, land line, or fax.

Email address: The student’s email address.

Additional communication numbers: Additional communication numbers for the student.

= Addresses panel: PowerSchool SMS displays addresses in five fields, which facilitates address validation.

Physical address: The street address where the student lives at the time of reporting or the student’s last known street address of residence. Note: When you change a student’s physical address, and that address is the same as that of other family member(s) [>>], PowerSchool SMS gives you the option of copying the new address to the other family member(s)’s physical address. Note: PowerSchool SMS displays a Geocode: Coordinates field and a Validate button if the system employs address validation. For detailed information, refer to the PowerSchool SMS Address Validation Guide. Note: For Geocode, PowerSchool SMS displays only the geocode for the student’s address.

Mailing address: The address to which correspondence is sent. This may be the same or different from the Physical address. Note: The District Administrator can require that a physical address be provided [>>]. Note: For a student who is part of a family [>>], you can copy the Mailing address from a family member—click the Copy address from... button.

Table 10: Permissions pertaining to student address/phone information


You need this permission

Set to


Add and edit student address and phone information

Students > Student Address Phone



Always Learning
Tel: 866-434-6276
Email: psstechsupp@pearson.com