| Scheduling > Subject exceptions

Subject exceptions

[Applies to elementary [>>] school scheduling.]

Using a subject exception, the elementary School Administrator can schedule a student to a subject outside his or her peer grade level without removing that student from the classes automatically scheduled for the student's grade level. For example, for a Grade 3 student who is working at a Grade 4 level in Math, the administrator can assign the student to Math 4 within the Math 3 classroom. Note: A subject exception can affect grading [>>].

To assign a subject exception[SA]:
To end a subject exception: [SA]

Subject exceptions and grading

Typically, a student is graded [>>] for the classes that appear on the class roster to which he or she is assigned; for example, a student in Math 4 (Homeroom 4-A) is graded on the Math 4 (Homeroom 4-A) roster.

Where a subject exception is in place, the student is graded on the scheduled subject, not the exception; for example, where a Math 4 student has a subject exception for Math 5, in which the student receives Math 5 level instruction in the Math 4 classroom, the student is still in the Math 4 roster and is graded in that roster according to Math 4 skills and measures.

Thus, where the School Administrator wants a student to be graded strictly according to the instruction received, the administrator must set up that instruction as a separate class and room. For example, to have a student take Advanced Math 5 instead of regular Math 5 and receive that instruction in a different room, the administrator sets up Advanced Math 5 as a subject. Since Advanced Math 5 is a separate subject, that subject's unique skills and measures appear the report card.

Another option for the administrator is to set up a subject with distinct subject elements. All subject elements appear as electives on a student's report card and the teacher is able to record a grading for only the relevant element. For example, Music is a subject taught to all Grade 5 students, but the student takes the Choir subject element and not Band. The teacher in this case records a mark for Choir and records "N/A" for Band. All students in Band and Choir appear on the Music 5 roster.

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